Ep. 193 | Whitey Smith and Early Shanghai Jazz

In a departure from the tried and true formula of other CHP episodes, Laszlo looks at someone who set out to China in search of fame and fortune, Whitey Smith. He found fame amongst the one percent, who were regulars at all the glitzy hotel ballrooms, dance halls, clubs, and dives of the 1920s and 30s Shanghai.

His story isn’t necessarily spectacular and no one wrote him into the history books. But let’s take a break from the usual fare to look at some of the stories going on in the background during the first half of the 20th century. This is one of the good ones I thought.

And thanks to EarnshawBooks.com for bringing Whitey’s story back from the dead. Links below to their website as well as to Andrew Field’s site Shanghai Sojourns. And a timely article from the great (and famous) Paul French on the fate of Shanghai’s New Astor Hotel (mentioned in this episode). Check them out.

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Terms in Episode

Chang Kai-shek蒋介石1887-1975, political and military leader during the Republican era
Cuī Jiàn崔健The Father of Chinese Rock, born in 1961
Dù Yuèshēng杜月笙Green Gang crime boss in Shanghai, lived 1888-1951, a.k.a. Big-Eared Du
Empress Dowager Cíxi慈禧太后1835-1908, she ran things in China from 1861 to 1908
Hè Lì Jī Qún鹤立鸡群A crane among chickens...someone who stands out from the crowd
Jing An Sì Lu静安寺路Another name of Bubbling Well Road, near the Jing An Temple
Jiu Yī Bā九一八The Mukden Incident 9-18-1931
Kaiser Kuo / Guō Yíguǎng郭怡广Popular and beloved host of the venerable and respected Sinica Podcast and all around China Hand. Instrumental in bringing heavy metal music to China in the 90's.
Méilóngzhèn Westgate Mall梅龙镇Mall in Shanghai located on Nanjing West Road near Jiangning Lu. Former location of the Majestic
Nanjing Xi Lu南京西路Nanjing West Road
Pujiang Fandian浦江饭店The New Astor Hotel
Qīngdao青岛Another beautiful coastal city in Shandong
Qīnián dé chéngguo七年的成果Results of seven years
Sun Yat-sen孙逸仙1866-1925, great revolutionary and Chinese patriot. Called the Father of the Country
Sòng Meiling宋美龄1898-2003, wife of Chiang Kai-shek and the middle sister of her famous siblings
Wuchang Uprising武昌起义Oct 10 to December 1, 1911, the beginning of Xinhai Revolution. Curtains for the Qing
Yongquan Lu永泉路Bubbling Well Road
Yāntái烟台Beautiful city on the Shandong peninsula
Zhīfú芝罘Also written as Chefoo and Chi-fu, what Yantai used to be called. Now a district of Yantai



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Ep. 194 | The History of Toi San and U.S. Immigration


Ep. 192 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 9)