Ep. 175 | Su Dongpo

In this 175th episode, Laszlo gives the great Northern Song jack-of-all-literary-trades Su Dongpo the once over. This isn’t meant to be a deep dive into the reasons for all his renown in literature, calligraphy, and painting. Instead, this is just a “popular Chinese historical” overview of who he was and the times he lived in.  

And for those who never heard of him, this is a good intro. In America, we have Washington Irving, Mark Twain, Hemingway, and so on. In China, Su Dongpo would be mentioned when rattling off their best of the best of the literary world.

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Terms in Episode

Cai Jing蔡京Long serving chancellor to Emperor Huizong
Cai Tao蔡绦Son of Cai Jing who had the audacity to say something nice about Su Dongpo
Cai Xiang蔡襄1012-1067 One of the great calligraphers of the Northern Song
Cao Cao曹操King of Wei, one of the Three Kingdoms
Changzhou常州City in Jiangsu
Chao Buzhi晁补之One of the four scholars famous for being part of Su Shi’s gang
Cheng Pu程普Another of Sun Quan’s main generals
Cheng Yi程颐One of the pride of Luoyang, Chinese philosopher
Chengdu成都Ancient capital of Shu Kingdom, now capital of Sichuan
Chibi Fu赤壁赋Ode to Red Cliffs, famous poem by Su Shi
CiOne of the three main types of Chinese Poetry, like lyric poetry
Danzhou儋州Coastal city in Hainan just west of Haikou
Dongpo东坡Eastern slope
Dongpo Jushi东坡居士Dongpo, the retired scholar or Buddhist
Dongpo Rou东坡肉Dongpo Pork
Dongpo Shuyuan东坡书院The Dongpo Academy
doucha斗茶“Tea Battles” that were popular during the Song
Empress Dowager Gao高太皇后1032-1093 Empress of Northern Song emperor Yingzong, regent for Zhezong during his minority
FuOne of the three main types of Chinese Poetry, like rhymed prose
Haikou海口Capital city of Hainan
Hainan海南Island province off the coast of Guangdong
Han206 BCE – 220 CE Ancient dynasty of China
Han Shi寒食is the holiday that occurs right before Qingming in April
Han Shi Tie寒食帖Su Shi’s most famous calligraphic work, now hanging in the National Palace Museum in Taipei
Han Yu韩愈768-824 – Tang essayist and poet. Major influence in development of Chinese literature
Hangzhou杭州Capital of Zhejiang and of dynasties past. Su Dongpo served there twice
Henan河南Province in north China where it all began
Hou Chibi Fu后赤壁赋The Later Ode to Red Cliffs, famous poem by Su Shi
Huang Tingjian黄庭坚1045-1105 artist, scholar, official, a great Northern Song Master
Huanggang黄冈City just east of Wuhan in Hubei Province
Huangzhou黄州Former name of Huanggang, now a district of that city
Hubei湖北Central province in China, capital is at Wuhan
Huizhou惠州City in Guangdong where Su Dongpo served a stint
Huizong徽宗The Northern Song emperor who “lost China” to the Jürchens
Jiangsu江苏Coastal province just north of Zhejiang
Jin265-420 Ancient dynasty of China
Jin金朝The Jin Dynasty of the Jürchens 1115-1234
jinshi进士The highest degree that allowed you to fill the top positions in government
Kaifeng开封Capital of the Northern Song dynasty 960-1127
Leshan乐山City in Sichuan
Liu Bei刘备Emperor of Shu Han, one of the Three Kingdoms
Liu Zongyuan柳宗元773-819 Tang waster of prose and poetry
Lou Wai Lou楼外楼Not the best restaurant in Hangzhou but one of the most famous. Been around over one hundred fifty years
Lu Su鲁肃Politician and general who worked for Sun Quan
Luoyang洛阳City in Henan and former ancient capital of past dynasties
Meishan眉山City south of Chengdu, birthplace of the Three Su’s, Su Xun, Su Dongpo and Su Zhe.
Mi Fu米芾1051-1107 Great Song painter and calligrapher
Min River岷江Yangzi tributary river in Sichuan, famous for the Duijangyan irrigation system
Ni Zan倪瓚the late Yuan-early Ming painter
Nian Nujiao Chibi Huaigu念奴娇赤壁怀古Remembering Chibi, Su Shi’s third poem in this series about Red Cliffs
Northern Song北宋960-1127
Ouyang Xiu欧阳修1007-1072 Northern Song statesman, historian, calligrapher, literatus extraordinaire
Qin Guan秦观1049-1100 – Northern Song writer and poet. Also one of the four scholars famous for being part of Su Shi’s gang
Shenzong神宗1048-1085 – Northern Song Emperor and Wang Anshi supporter
ShiThe general word for all Chinese poetry but also a specific kind of poetry as well
Sima Guang司马光1019-1086 Conservative Song scholar and official, writer of the Zizhi Tongijan
Song960-1279 Ancient dynasty of China
Song Si Jia宋四家the Four Great Calligraphers of the Song
Su Di苏堤the Su Causeway across West Lake in Hangzhou
Su Dongpo苏东坡1037 – 1101 Our subject in this episode
Su Men Si Xueshi苏门四学士The Four Scholars at Su Shi’s Gate
Su Shi苏轼Su Dongpo’s birth name
Su Xun苏洵1009-1066 – Great man of letters and Father of Su Shi and Su Zhe
Su Zhe苏辙1039-1112 – Brother of Su Shi, also a great man of letters
Sui581-618 Ancient dynasty of China
Sun Quan孙权Emperor of Eastern Wu, one of the Three Kingdoms
Tang618-907 Ancient dynasty of China
Tang Song Ba Da Jia唐宋八大家“Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song Dynasty
Wang Anshi王安石1021-1086 – Song statesman and father of far reaching reforms. Also a great literary figure in his day.
Wang Fu王弗1039-1065 – First wife of Su Dongpo
Wang Runzhi王闰之1048-1093 2nd wife of Su Dongpo
Wang Xizhi王羲之Arguably referred to as the greatest of Chinese calligraphers
Wang Zhaoyun王朝云1062-1095 – 3rd wife of Su Dongpo
Wutai Poem Incident乌台诗案In 1079, a poem by Su Shi got him in trouble and exiled fron the capital
Xin Fa新法The New Policies championed by the Shenzong Emperor and Wang Anshi
Xu Wei徐渭Ming painter painter
Yan Zhenqing颜真卿708-785 Great calligrapher of the Tang and one of the greatest of all time
Ya’an雅安Great tea city near Chengdu in Sichuan
Yuan Mei袁枚Qing dynasty scholar and artist
Yuanyou era元祐Conservative era in Emperor Zhezong’s reign that lasted 1086 to 1093
Zeng Gong曾鞏1019-1083 – Great prose master of the Song
Zhang Lei张耒1054-1114 One of the four scholars famous for being part of Su Shi’s gang
Zhejiang浙江Province in east China
Zhezong哲宗Northern Song emperor, Reigned 1085-1100
Zhou1046 BCE – 256 BCE Ancient dynasty of China
Zhou Yu周瑜One of Sun Quan’s main generals
Zhuge Liang诸葛亮Great Shu-Han strategist during Three Kingdoms Period
Zizhi Tongjian资治通鉴the “Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance” A monumental historical work covering Chinese history from 403 BCE to 959 CE
Zuo Zongtang左宗棠Hunan-born general from the Qing, the man who brought us General Tso’s Chicken



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