Ep. 192 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 9)

Laszlo emerges from the post-holiday festivities to finish off our History of Chinese Philosophy series, picking up from the last episode of the life and work of Wang Yangming. The differences between the two main schools of Neo-Confucianism is further discussed: the Lu-Wang School of the Mind (Xinxue) and the Cheng-Zhu School of Principle (Lixue).

We also saved philosopher Zou Yan and the Five Elements (Wuxing) for last. And that completes this nine-part set course meal in the History of Chinese Philosophy. If anything spoke to you, you’re now armed and ready to do as many deeper dives into all these schools of thought as your heart desires.

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Terms in Episode

Chéng Hào程颢One of the Five Founders of Neo-Confucianism, lived 1032-1085
Chéng-Zhū School.程朱理学Also called Lixue, the school of Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi
Dà Xué大学The Great Learning, one of the Four Books
Dàodéjīng道德经The Classic of the Tao, also known as The Laozi or Tao Teh Ching
Féng Yǒulán冯友兰Lived 1895-1990, distinguished Chinese philosopher who did much to spread its popularity around the world
Fāngshì方士The old name for a necromancer or alchemist
Guìzhōu贵州Province in west-central China
Guō Xiàng郭象Influential Xuanxue thinker, died in 312 CE. His revision and commentary on the Zhuangzi is a masterwork.
Guǎn Zhòng管仲Great Chinese chancellor (to Duke Huan of Qi) and reformer extraordinaire. Lived 720-645 BCE
géwù格物"investigation of things", essentially book learning or learning by observation
Gě Hóng葛洪Lived 284-364 during Eastern Jin. China's most famous alchemist from ancient times.
Hànxué汉学The Study of the Han era learning
Hán Yù韩愈Literary great in China who had few peers. Lived 768-824. Also a great statesman
Jìxià Xué Gōng稷下学宫The Jìxià Academy located in Qi State
Jūnzǐ君子A gentleman, in the Confucian sense
Kǒngzǐ孔子Master Kong, Confucius
Liáng Zhī良知Innate knowledge....
Liú Jǐn刘瑾Infamous Ming Dynasty eunuch. Lived from 1451-1510
Lù Jiǔyuān陆九渊Song era philosopher, lived 1139 to 1193
Lù Xiàngshān陆象山The Master of Xiàngshān, also known as Lu Jiuyuan
Lù-Wáng School陆王心学School of the Mind....or Xīnxué....This was the thought of Lù Jiǔyuān and Wáng Shǒurén
Lùnhéng论衡Published in 80 CE, contains critical essays written by Wang Chong. Needham called the work "Discourses Weighted in the Balance"
Inner essence or principle
Lǐ Aó李傲Tang era philosopher and literary figure. Not mentioned in the episode, he is the writer of the 来南录, the first travel diary of its kind.
Lǐ Jì礼记The Classic of Rites
Lǐxué School,理学The School of Lǐ, or Principle
Lǔshì Chūnqiū吕氏春秋Mr. Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals, a compendium of the philosophies of the Hundred Schools, compiled around 239 BCE under Lü Buwei's patronage
Mèngzǐ孟子Mencius - 372-289 BCE
Míng明朝Ming Dynasty 1368-1644
Mòzǐ墨子He would have loved the song "All you need is love". Disagreed with Confucius. Lived 470-391 BCE
Qí State齐国One of the seven Warring States, located in Shandong
Qīng清朝The Qing Dynasty 1644-1911
ShìThe knightly class. They formed the backbone of the Ru School
Sì Shū四书The Four Books
Sòng Xué宋学General term for Neo-Confucianism
Sīmǎ Tán司马谈Father of Sima Qian
Táiběi Yángmíngshān台北阳明山The Yangmingshan district in northern Taipei, named after you know who
Wáng Bì王弼Short-lived philosopher (226-249), wrote important commentaries on the Dao De Jing and Yi Jing. He was also a scholar of Xuanxue (see below)
Wáng Chōng王充Great Han era philosopher who lived around 27-100
Wáng Shǒurén王守仁Neo-Confucian philosopher who lived 1472 to 1529. Better known perhaps as Wang Yangming
Wáng Yángmíng.王阳明Neo-Confucian philosopher who lived 1472 to 1529. Also known as Wang Souren
Wǔ Xíng五行Five Elements: Fire-Water-Wood-Metal-Soil, the Five Activities, the Five Agents and the Five Dynamic Interacting Forces
Xiàng Xiù向秀Lived 227-272. His writings on the Zhuangzi inspired Guo Xiang. One of the great scholars of his day
Xiāngkè相克The Mutual Conquest Series of the 5 Elements: wood conquers earth, metal conquers wood, fire conquers metal, water conquers fire, and earth conquers water
Xiāngshēng相生The Mutual Generation Series of the 5 Elements: wood produces fire, fire produces earth, earth produces metal, metal produces water, and water produces wood.
Xuánxué玄学Emerged during the 3rd to 6th centuries. Mysterious learning. Also called Neo-Daoism. Can also mean metaphysics among other definitions
Xúnzǐ荀子Great Confucian philsopher 313-238 BCE
Yuè Lìng月令The Monthly Commands
Yáng Zhū杨朱Philosopher who lived 440-360 who advised toseek pleasure whenever wherever
Yīn and Yáng阴阳Two two opposing forces that cause all change in the universe
yǎngshēng养生A sub-category of Dào Jiào (道教)....the Daoist religion.... it means to preserve or enhance your life
zhīxíng héyī知行合一Wang Yangming's theory of "the unity of knowledge and action"
Zhōng Yōng中庸The Doctrine of the Mean, one of the Four Books
Zhū Xī朱熹Confucian great, lived from 1130-1200
Zōu Yǎn邹衍Zhou era figure. Needham called him the Father of Chinese Scientific Thought. Lived from 305 to 240 BCE

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Ep. 193 | Whitey Smith and Early Shanghai Jazz


Ep. 191 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 8)