Ep. 184 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 1)

The CHP is back with a 9-Part overview covering the history of Chinese philosophy.  The series will run from pre-Confucian times clear through to Wang Yangming in the mid-Ming Dynasty, a period stretching for more than two thousand years.

Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the series.

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Art of War孙子兵法Sun Tzu's all time best seller
Bǎi Jiā百家The Hundred Schools
Cài Lún蔡伦41-121 CE Han era inventor of paper making.
Féng Yǒulán冯友兰1895-1990 author of the "A Short History of Chinese Philosophy"
Guǎn Zhòng管仲720 to 645 BCE
Han Dynasty汉朝China's 2nd imperial dynasty following the Qin. Ran four hundred years from 206 BCE to 220 CE
Huǒ Shī火师a ceremonial post at the royal court that involved anything having to do with fire
Hán Fēizǐ韩非子280-233 Legalist philosopher who studied under Xunzi. A colleague of Li Si (much to his later regret)
Hénán province河南省One of the most ancient of provinces anywhere on earth. Their Tourism slogan is "Where China Began"
Hóngdòushā红豆沙Red Bean Soup...the classic southern Chinese banquet closer classic
Jiǔ Chí Ròu Lín酒池肉林The Wine Pool and Meat Forest
Jī clan姬家族the founders of the Zhou Dynasty
Jīn Yōng金庸Pen name of the great and venerable Dr. Louis Cha Leung-yung
Jūnzǐ君子A man of noble character, of virtue, an ideal man whose character embodied the virtue of benevolence and whose acts were in accordance with the rights and with rightness (Thanks Pleco)
King Jié of Xià夏桀The venal last king of the Xia Dynasty who may have lived 1728-1625 BCE
King Wén周文王1152-1056 BCE, founder of the Zhou Dynasty and a role model for what it means to be a virtuous and benevolent ruler
King Wǔ周武王Son of King Wen and no less a standup guy. Also helped to found the Zhou. Older brother to the Duke of Zhou
King Yíng Zhèng秦嬴政The King of Qin who later founded a dynasty
King Zhòu Xīn of Shāng商纣辛The equally venal final king of the Shang Dynasty, 1075-1046 BCE
Kòu Ròu扣肉Arteriosclerosis-inducing braised pork belly dish
Laǒzǐ老子Also known as Lao Tzu. Died around 531 BCE. The work he is known for, the Daidejing, is also known as The Laozi
Lièzǐ列子Philosopher who lived from
Luòyáng洛阳Capital of several ancient dynasties
Lúnyǔ论语Analects of Confucius
Lǐ Sī李斯280-208 BCE, Legalist great and minister to the Qin Emperor. He had Han Fei done in!
Mèngzǐ孟子Confucian philosopher who lived from 372-289 BCE
Míng Dynasty明朝Dynasty that ran from 1368-1644
Mòzǐ墨子The first naysayer of Confucius, lived from 470-391 BCE
Mó Xǐ妺喜Xia King Jie's sadistic concubine
Qiánlóng Emperor乾隆帝One of China's great emperors, ruling 1735-1796
Qí Huán Gōng齐桓公Duke Huán of the State of Qí
Qí State齐国Neighboring state of Lu in Shandong Province
Qīng dynasty清朝China's last dynasty 1644-1911
Rú school儒家Confucianism is associated with this school
ShìMany definitions but mainly means scholar or soldier
ShùnAnother legendary Sage King who may have lived from 2294-2184 BCE
Shāng商朝First dynasty in China for which there is archaeological proof. Ran from roughly 1600 to 1046 BCE
Sìkù Quánshū四库全书"The Complete Library in Four Sections" One of Qianlong's gifts to posterity, 36,381 volumes, 2.3 million pages, 800 million characters
Sīmǎ Qiān司马迁China's Herodotus, writer of The Record of the Grand Historian
Sūnzǐ孙子Sun Tzu, writer of the Art of War
Tiānmìng天命The Mandate of Heaven
Treaty of Nanjing南京条约Signed in 1842, the most famous of the Unequal Treaties
Tàocān套餐A set course meal
Western Zhou西周Founded by King Wen in 1046 BCE. It ran until 771 BCE
Wáng Yángmíng王阳明Ming era scholar-statesman-general-philosopher 1472-1529
Wǔxiá novels武侠小说A genre of Chinese fiction filled with martial artists and brave characters
Xiá Shì侠士Pleco defines them as knights-errant; practiced swordsman; gallant fighter; swashbuckler
Xúnzǐ荀子Confucian philosopher who lived from 313-238 BCE
Xīān西安Present day capital of Shaanxi Province. Also the site of several ancient capitals during the Zhou, Han and Tang
YáoThe legendary Sage King who may have lived from 2356-2255 BCE
Yì Jīng易经Known as the I Ching where I come from. An all in one divination guide and a whole lot more.
Yù Xióng / Yùzǐ鬻熊 / 鬻子Pre-Confucian philosopher who served the first Zhou kings
Yù Xióng/YùzǐyuxiongMaster Yù, who lived around the time of the founding of the Western Zhou
Yu the Great, founder of the Xia Dynasty
Zhuāngzǐ庄子Daoist philosopher who lived from 369-286 BCE. Also the name of the book he is best known for.
Zhànguó shídài战国时代The Warring States Period
Zhōngguó Zhéxué Shǐ中国哲学史A Short History of Chinese Philosophy by Feng Youlan
Zhōu Gōng周公The Duke of Zhou, featured in CHP episode number 59

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Ep. 185 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 2)


Ep. 183 | The Nanjing Massacre (Part 2)