Ep. 187 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 4)

Laszlo is back on track, picking up where we left off in Part 2 following the death of Master Kong in 479 BCE. A lot happened in the world of Chinese philosophy right after Confucius passed. He had both disciples who carried on his teachings, and naysayers who pointed to flaws in this Ru School of philosophy and offered an alternative kind of thought.

As the countdown to the milestone year of 221 BCE gets nearer, a hundred schools of thought contended like never before, each offering their solutions to the tumultuous and bloody times of the latter half of the Eastern Zhou dynasty.

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Terms in Episode

A Hegemon, the leader of feudal lords during the Zhou era
Dǒng Zhòngshū董仲舒Advisor to the Han Emperor Wu 179-104 BCE and a champion of Confucianism
gōngEfficiency in needlework
Hán Fēi韩非Legalist philosopher 280-233 BCE
Hóngwǔ Emperor洪武帝The Ming Dynasty founder and not a fan of Mengzi
Jié夏桀The venal last king of the Xia Dynasty who may have lived 1728-1625 BCE
Jìxià AcademyJìxià Xué GōngSchool setup in 318 BCE by Qí Xuān Gōng
Lǐ Sī李斯Legalist philosopher 280-208 BCE
鲁国Neighboring state to Qi in Shandong Province. Qi to the north, Lu to the south.
Mèng Kē孟轲Mengzi, who lived 372 to 289 BCE
Mèng Mǔ孟母母 means mother. Mèng Mǔ means Mengzi's mother
Mèng Mǔ Sān Qiān孟母三迁Mengzi's mother moved three times (to find the perfect place to raise her son)
Mèngzǐ孟子Confucian philosopher who lived from 372-289 BCE
Mò Dí墨翟He said all you need is love. He lived 470 to 391 BCE
Mòzǐ墨子Philosopher who lived 470-391 BCE. Confucius's first naysayer
Qí Xuān Gōng齐宣公Ruler of Qi State from 455-405 BCE
QínFirst a Warring State and later a short-lived but influential dynasty 221 - 206 BCE
róngPhysical charm
儒家The Chinese term for Confucianism
Shāng商朝First dynasty in China for which there is archaeological proof. Ran from roughly 1600 to 1046 BCE
Sòng宋国Zhou era state in eastern Hénán and a tad of Western Shandong
Sān Cóng Sì Dé三从四德The Three Obedience’s and the Four Virtues
Western Zhōu西周First half of the Zhou Dynasty, lasted 1046-771 BCE
WángA surname that means King
Wáng Yángmíng王阳明Ming era scholar-statesman-general-philosopher 1472-1529
Xìng Shàn性善The theory of Mengzi that people are by nature good
Xún Kuàng荀况Also known as Xunzi, lived 313 to 238 BCE
Yuán Mù Qiú Yú缘木求鱼Mengzi's advice to Qi Xuan Gong that conquering his neighbors was like climbing a tree to catch a fish
yánPropriety in speech
Yáng Zhū杨朱Zhou era philosopher 440-360 BCE
YáoThe legendary Sage King who may have lived from 2356-2255 BCE
Yì Jīng易经The I Ching or Book of Changes
Yùzǐ鬻子Pre-Confucian philosopher who served the first Zhou kings
Yǔ the Great大禹Founder of the Xia Dynasty
Zhòu Xīn商纣辛The equally venal final king of the Shang Dynasty, 1075-1046 BCE
Zōu邹国Tiny state in SW Shandong that bordered Lǔ to the south
Zǐ Sī子思Lived 481-402 BCE - Grandson of Confucius, teacher to Mengzi and Confucianism's most famous disciple

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Ep. 188 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 5)


Ep. 186 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 3)