Ep. 186 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 3)

Although covered before in an old CHP episode, Laszlo takes the Yi Jing (I Ching, sometimes called the ‘Book of Changes’) off the shelf for a total makeover and freshening up.

In this brief detour along the history timeline, Laszlo picks the Yi Jing apart and offers up both a history of this timeless classic as well as a brief intro about how it works and the role it plays in the life of some people.

The Yi Jing is a book with a lot of staying power and has been kept as a handy reference guide for hundreds of millions of people over the millennia. Listen to what it’s all about and see for yourself if the Yi Jing can serve you.

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Terms in Episode

Bā Guà八卦The Eight Trigrams
Duke of Zhou周公Son of King Wen, brother of King Wu
Dà Zhuàn大专The Great Commentary from the Ten Wings
DàoThe Way, The Tao
Fú Xī伏羲Mythical Sovereign who lived fro 2953 to 2838 BCE
Fēng Shuǐ风水(in Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings
guàcí卦辞A judgment, defines the meaning of the hexagram in the Yi Jing
Huáxià华夏The people and culture of ancient core China
Hàn Wǔdì汉武帝Han Emperor who reigned gloriously from 141-87 BCE
Hé Tǔ河图The Yellow River Map
Hénán河南Ancient province of China
Jī Chāng姬昌King Wen's name (surnamed Ji)
King Wén周文王Founder of the Zhou Dynasty
KūnThe second hexagram Kūn is six rows of broken lines....pure Yīn
Liùshísì Guà六十四卦The Sixty-four hexagrams
Luò Shū洛书The Luo Shu Square
Luó Zhènyù罗振玉One of the first scholars to decipher the ancient oracle bone script
Lún Yǔ论语The Analects of Confucius
Mǎwángduī马王堆Ancient Han Dynasty tomb discovered intact in 1973
Nǔwá女娲Wife (or maybe sister) or Fuxi
QiánThe first hexagram Qián is six rows of solid lines.....pure yáng.
Shàng Shū尚书Book of Documents
Shí Yì十翼Ethical commentaries to the hexagrams written by Confucius (or so it's said)
ShùnLegendary Sage King who followed Yao and ruled 2356-2255 BCE
ShāngThe Shang Dynasty 1600-1046 BCE
Shāng King Zhòu Xīn商纣辛The venal final king of the Shang Dynasty
Shī Jīng诗经Book of Odes
Sòng Dynasty宋朝One of the great dynasties of China 960-1276
Sānhuáng Wudì三皇五帝The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors (see CHP episode 60)
Tiān Dì Rén天地人Heaven - Earth - Humans
Tài Jí symbol太极图The Yin Yang symbol, the Supreme Ultimate
Wong Tai Sin Temple黄大仙庙Temple located in Hong Kong located at the Wong Tai Sin MTR stop
Wáng Yìróng王懿荣Discoverer of the Shang Dynasty Oracle Bones
Wǔ Jīng五经The Five Classics
Xià Dynasty夏朝A mythical dynasty that preceded the Shang
YáoLegendary Sage King who it's said ruled 2356-2255 BCE
yáo cí爻辞The individual line statements of the Yi Jing, two to thirty characters in length
Yì Jīng易经The Book of Changes, also known by many other names including the I Ching
Yīn and Yáng阴阳The opposing forces of Yin and Yang
Yǔ the Great大禹Mythical founder and Sage King of the Xia Dynasty
Zhōu Dūnyí周敦颐One of the Five Founders of Neo-Confucianism
Zhōu Yì周易The Changes of Zhou
Zuǒ Qiūmíng左丘明Writer of the Commentaries on the Chūn Qiū, a.k.a. the Zuǒ Zhuàn (左传)
Ānyáng安阳Capital of the Shang Dynasty

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Ep. 187 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 4)


Ep. 185 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 2)