Ep. 197 | The History of China-Vietnam Relations (Part 1)

In this first of a multipart series, Laszlo explores the history behind the millennia-old relationship between China and Vietnam. In this episode, the earliest days of the relationship going back to Zhao Tuo and the Nanyue Kingdom are discussed.

In the next episode we’ll pick up in the late 2nd Century CE as the sun is setting on the Eastern Han Dynasty.

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Terms in Episode

Xia夏朝Nhà HạChinese earliest dynasty (still in the mythical category) 2070-1600 BCE (supposedly)
Qing清朝Nhà ThanhChina's last imperial dynasty 1644-1911
Yunnan云南Vân NamSouthwestern province in Chin on the border with Vietnam
Guangxi广西Quảng TâySouther Chiense province bordering Yunnan to the west, Guangdong to the east and Vietnam to the south
-京族KinhThe majority ethnic group in Vietnam, The Vietnamese people
-𠊚越Người ViệtThe majority ethnic group in Vietnam, The Vietnamese people
Hóng Hé红河Hồng Hà (or Sông Hồng)The Red River
Hanoi河内Hà NộiHanoi
Sīmǎ Qiān司马迁Tư Mã ThiênChina's most famous and earliest historiographer. Lived during the Han Dynasty
-黎文休Lê Văn HưuVietnam's earliest historiographer. 1230-1322
Tran Dynasty陈朝Nhà TrầnVietnamese Dynasty 1225-1400
Shǐ Jì史记Sử Kýthe Records of the Grand Historian
Míng Shǐ明史Minh sửThe (Official) History of the Ming Dynasty
-我很抱歉Tôi xin lôiI'm sorry
Dàlǐ大理国Vương quốc Đại LýA kingdom in southwest China that lasted from 937-1253
Qīnghǎi青海Thanh HảiWestern province of China
Gānsù甘肃Cam TúcAnother western province of China
Shǎnxī陕西Thiểm TâyNorth-central province in China
Hǎilóng海龙Nhà Thanh...Sea Dragons
-国家NướcCan mean a country or water
YuèViệtThe Viet or Yue people
Bǎiyuè百越Bách ViệtThe "Hundred Yue"
Huáxià华夏Hoa HạThe Han Chinese nation or people
Zhōu Dynasty周朝Nhà ChuAncient Chinese dynasty lasting from 1046-256 BCE
Shāng Oracle bones商朝甲骨文Shang triều đại OracleAncient oracle bones
Zhèjiāng浙江Chiết GiangProvince on China's east coast
Gōujiàn勾践Việt Vương Câu TiễnKing of Yue 496-465 BCE
King Fūchāi夫差Ngô Phù SaiGoujian's rival, the King of Wu 495-473 BCE
吴国Ngô quốcThe State of Wu
Chǔ楚国Sở quốcThe State of Chu
Luò Yuè雒越Lạc ViệtAncient people who populated southern Guangxi and northern Vietnam
Yángzǐ扬子Trường GiangAlso called the Chang Jiang, China's longest river
Shénnóng神农Thần NôngOne of the Five Mythical ancient Emperors, also known by many other names including The Divine Farmer
Hong Bang Dynasty鸿庞Hồng BàngVietnamese Bronze Age dynasty contemporary with the Xia, Shang and Zhou 2879 to 258 BCE
Kinh Duong Vuong涇陽王Kinh Dương VươngFirst of the Hong Bang kings, an ancient and legendary figure
Vuong (Wang)VươngThe Chinese surname Wang, also means King
Lạc Long Quân貉龍君Lạc Long Quânthe Dragon Lord of Lạc, the second king of the Hong Bang era
-Âu CơWife of Lac Long Quan, mother of the Bai Yue
Ōu Luò瓯骆Âu LạcAn early Viet state later annexed by the Nanyue Kingdom
-蜀泮Thục PhánKing of Au Lac from 257-207. Also known as King An Duong
King An Duong安阳王An Dương VươngKing An Dương
Shǔ蜀国Thục QuốcAncient state centered around Chengdu, conquered by Qin in 316 BCE
Qín秦朝Nhà TầnThe Qin Dynasty 221-206 BCE, also an ancient Warring State
Bā State巴国Ba QuốcAncient state centered around Chongqing, conquered by Qin in 316 BCE
Chóngqìng重庆Trùng KhánhMunicipality formerly part of Sichuan. Also known as Chungking
Qín Shǐhuáng秦始皇Tần Thủy HoàngChina's first emperor
Zhōng Yuè guanxi中越关系Quan hệ Trung-ViệtChina-Vietnam Relations
huángdì皇帝Hoàng đếEmperor
Guangdong广东Quảng ĐôngSouthern province of China
Guangzhou广州Quảng ChâuCapital of Guangdong Province, also a sister city to Los Angeles
Zhào Tuó赵陀Triệu ĐàFormer Qin official sent down to manage affairs but ended up forming a kingdom instead.
Nán Yuè南越Nam ViệtKingdom founded by Zhao Tuo. lasted 204-111 BCE
Cổ Loa Citadel古螺Thành Cổ LoaAncient site located in present day Hanoi
Dong Anh東英Đông AnhA rural district of Hanoi
Pānyú番禺Phiên NgungCity southeast of Guangzhou
-赵朝Triệu DynastyThe dynasty founded by Zhao Tuo or Triệu Đà
Yuán Dynasty元朝Nhà NguyênMongol dynasty in China that lasted from 1271-1368
Chǔ-Hàn Contention楚汉战争Chiến tranh Hán-SởThe showdown between Liu Bang of Han and Xiang Yu of Chu that ended in 202 BCE
Liú Bāng刘邦Lưu BangVictor over Xiang Yu, and founding emperor of the Han Dynasty
Battle of Gāixià垓下之战The deciding battle of the Chu-Han Contention 202 BCE
Lù Jiǎ陆贾Lục GiảWestern Han official sent to work out a deal with Zhao Tuo
Nán Wǔdì南武帝Nam Vũ ĐếThe Southern Martial Emperor (Zhao Tuo's self-proclaimed title)
Han Emperor Wén汉文帝Hán Văn ĐếHan emperor from 180-157 BCE
Han Emperor Jǐng汉景帝Hán Cảnh ĐếHan emperor from 157-141 BCE
Zhào Mò赵眜Triệu MạtGrandson of Zhao Tuo and second Trieu Dynasty ruler
Mǐnyuè闽越Mân ViệtThe Yue people of Fujian
Fujian福建Phúc KiếnProvince on southeast coast of China
Zhào Yīngqí赵婴齐Triệu Anh Tềeldest son of Zhao Mo122-115 BCE
Yuexiu District越秀区Việt TúA district of Guangzhou
Xī Hàn Nányuèwáng Bówùguǎn.西汉南越王博物馆Bảo tàng Lăng mộ Triệu Văn ĐếThe Western Han Nanyue King Museum
Lü Jiā吕嘉A Nanyue prime minister
Han Emperor Wudi汉武帝Hán Vũ ĐếGreat Han Dynasty king who reigned 141-87 BCE
King Jiàndé赵建德Triệu Kiến ĐứcFifth and final Nanyue King
Běishǔ北屬Bắc thuộcThe occupation of Vietnam by China
Lǐngnán岭南Lĩnh NamThe region south off the Nanling Mountains
Nánlǐng Mountains南岭山Nam LĩnhFive mountain ranges that separates the Pearl River basin with the Yangzi River valley
Hǎinán海南Hải NamIsland province of China, located in the south
Teochew潮州人Triều ChâuThe Chaozhou, Chiu Chao or Teochew people
Hakka客家人Khách GiaThe Hakka people
Zhuàng壮族Người TrángLargest minority people in China, located in Guangxi mostly
Jiāozhǐ交趾Giao chỉThe name used for various provinces, commanderies, prefectures, and counties in northern Vietnam
Yuènán越南Việt NamVietnam
Jiǔzhēn九真Cửu ChânThe commandery north of Rinan and south of Jiaozhi
Rìnán日南Nhật NamSouthernmost of the Chinese Commanderies based in northern Vietnam
Zhēng Shì Zǐmèi徵氏姊妹Hai Bà TrưngThe Trung Sisters
Zhēng Cè徵側Trưng TrắcElder of the Trung Sisters
Zhēng Èr徵貳Trưng NhịYounger of the Trung Sisters
Hòu Hàn Shū后汉书Hậu Hán ThưThe Book of Later Han
Mílíng Xiàn麊泠縣Mê LinhRural county of Hanoi
Mǎ Yuán马援Mã ViệnOne of the Guangwu emperor's right hand men...military and political leader
Han Guāngwǔ汉光武Hán Quang Vũ ĐếEastern Han emperor rules 25-57 CE
-北宁省Bắc Ninh provinceCity and province in northern Vietnam
Luòyáng洛阳Lạc DươngLocated in Henan Province, one of China's ancient capitals
Dà Qín大秦Ancient Rome
Shì Xiè士燮Sĩ Nhiếp / Sĩ VươngPowerful official who served in Jiaozhi during the Eastern Han. Lived 137-226



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Ep. 198 | The History of China-Vietnam Relations (Part 2)


Ep. 196 | The British East India Company (Part 2)