Ep. 198 | The History of China-Vietnam Relations (Part 2)

In this second helping, Laszlo picks up with Shi Xie and his impact on bringing Chinese culture to the Jiao region. The arc of this episode goes from the Eastern Han to the end of the Tang. For most of that time, Vietnam remained under the direct administrative control of China.

Aside from a few quiet moments, there was sustained local unrest to deal with. Either local Viets were rising up against their Chinese overlords or there was a constant battle being fought with Lao, Linyi, Champa, and other tribes, states, and kingdoms that surrounded Vietnam to the west and south.

It was also a period where great Viet national heroes and heroines start getting written into the record.

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Terms in Episode

Ānnán Dūhùfǔ安南都护府An Nam Tiết độ sứProtectorate of Annam
Binh Dinh平定省Bình ĐịnhSouth-central province of Vietnam
Běishǔ北屬Bắc thuộcThe occupation of Vietnam by China
Chán Buddhism禅宗Thiền tôngIn Japanese, known as Zen Buddhism.
Cháng'ān长安Trường AnCapital of more than a few dynasties. Present day Xian in Shaanxi province
Chén陈朝Nhà TrầnLast of the Southern Dynasties (also later on, the Tran Dynasty in Vietnam)
Chén Bàxiān陈霸先Trần Bá TiênChen Dynasty founder and Liang Dynasty general
Chéngdū成都Thành ĐôCapital city of Sichuan province. Former capital of the Shu Kingdom
Cáo Cāo曹操Tào TháoStrongest power at the last years of the Eastern Han. Wei Kingdom founder
Da Nang峴港市Đà NẵngVietnam's 4th largest city, central coast
Duong River (Lǒng jiāng)陇江Sông ĐuốngRiver that runs through Hanoi
Dà Luō大罗Đại Laanother name for Hà Nội
Dàlǐ大理Vương quốc Đại LýA kingdom in southwest China that lasted from 937-1253
Dǒng Zhuó董卓Đổng TrácEastern Han military strongman. Assassinated in 192 after a violent few years in charge
Eastern Hàn东汉Đông HánThe second half of the Han Dynasty. 25 to 220 CE
Eastern Wú东吴Đông NgôOne of the contending Three Kingdoms, also called Wu or Sun Wu
Emperor Wu of Liang梁武帝Lương Vũ ĐếLiáng foundig emperor Wu 502 to 549
Fúnán扶南Phù NamThe Chinese name given to the region around the Mekong Delta populated by mainly Indianised states.
Guǎngdōng广东Quảng ĐôngChina's southernmost continental province
Guǎngxī广西Quảng TâyGuangdong's next door province to the west
Gāozōng唐高宗-third Tang emperor
Hebei河北省Hà Bắc tỉnhNorthern province of China where Beijing is geographically located
Hong Bang Dynasty鸿庞Hồng BàngVietnamese Bronze Age dynasty contemporary with the Xia, Shang and Zhou 2879 to 258 BCE
Hue顺化市HuếCity on Vietnam's central coast.
Hàn汉朝Nhà HánThe Han Dynasty (West and East) 206 BCE to 220 CE
Hàn Líng Dì汉灵帝Hán Linh ĐếHan Emperor Líng, reigned 168-189 CE
Jiànkāng建康Kiến Khang thànhCapital to a few dynasties, modern day Nanjing
JiāozhōuJiāo ProvinceGiao ChâuThe most often used term for the Chinese province that basically included all the Nanyue Kingdom lands in Guangdong, Guangxi and northern Vietnam
Jiāozhǐ交趾Giao chỉThe name used for various provinces, commanderies, prefectures, and counties in northern Vietnam. Also was the name of one of the three commanderies located inside Vietnam
Jiāozhǐ Tàishǒu交趾太守-The head of a prefecture ion ancient times
Jīng Province荆州-One of the nine ancient provinces of China today located in Hubei (Hồ Bắc)
King Sĩ士王Sĩ VươngAnother one of Shi Xie's names.
Lady Triệu趙嫗Triệu Thị TrinhBà Triệu lived from 225 to 248
Liú Biǎo刘表Lưu BiểuTop power in Jing Province, 192-208. Government official and warlord...present day Hubei area
Liú Sòng刘宋Nhà Lưu TốngDynasty that ran 420-479
Liú Sòng Wén Dì刘宋文帝Lưu Tống Văn ĐếLiú Sòng Emperor Wén
Liú Yù刘裕Lưu Dụa.k.a. Emperor Wu of Liu Song
Luòyáng洛阳Lạc DươngLocated in Henan Province, one of China's ancient capitals
Ly ByLý BíSee Lý Nam Đế
Ly Nam De李南帝Lý Nam ĐếVan Xuan founder. Reigned 544-548
Línyì林邑Lâm ẤpCoastal kingdom to the south off Jiao that lasted from around 192 to 750 CE.
Líu Bèi刘备Lưu BịEastern Han warlord and later King of Shu, one of the Three Kingdoms
Líu Fāng刘方-Sui general who led Sui over Ly
Lóngbiān龙遍Long BiênFormer capital of both Jiaozhou and Jiaozhi. Part of today's Hanoi.
Lǐ Bēn李贲Lý BônSee Lý Nam Đế
Mán南蛮Nam ManA catch-all term for a whole bunch of different tribes located all over Southwest China...perhaps the predecessors of many ethnic minority groups there.
Nam De南帝Nam ĐếVietnamese for Southern Emperor
Northern Zhou北周Bắc ChuLast of the Northern Dynasties. 557-581
Nánběi Cháo南北朝Nam Bắc triềuSouthern Northern Dynasties
Nányuè南越Nam ViệtThe kingdom established by Zhao Tuo
Nánzhào Kingdom南诏国Nam Chiếu quốcKingdom in southwest China that lasted 738 to 937 CE
Ōu Luò瓯骆Âu LạcAn early Viet state later annexed by the Nanyue Kingdom
Pānyú番禺Phiên NgungCity southeast of Guangzhou, where Zhao Tuo built his capital
Quang Binh广平省Quảng BìnhProvince of north-central Vietnam
Quang Nam广南Quảng NamSouth-central coastal province of Vietnam
Qín秦朝Nhà TầnThe Qin Dynasty 221-206 BCE, also an ancient Warring State
Rìnán日南Nhật NamSouthernmost of the Chinese Commanderies based in northern Vietnam
Shì Xiè士燮Sĩ NhiếpPowerful official who served in Jiaozhi during the Eastern Han. Lived 137-226 CE
Shíliù Guó十六国Thập lục quốcSixteen Kingdoms period 400-421
Shāndōng山东省Tỉnh Sơn ĐôngProvince on China's north coast
Shǔ-Hàn蜀汉Thục HánOne of the Three Kingdoms. Lasted from 221 to 263 CE
Southern Liáng南梁nhà Nam LươngThird of the Southern Dynasties. Ran 502-587
Southern Qí南齐Nam triều Tề479-502 second of the Southern Dynasties
Sui Wendi隋文帝Tùy Văn ĐếSui Dynasty founder, reigned 581-604
Sui-Lý War隋平李佛子之战-602 CE between the forces of Sui and Ly
Suí隋朝Nhà TùyA short but high impact dynasty that ran from 581 to 618
Sòngpíng宋平Tống Bìnhsite of the old Liu Song capital
Sān Guó Zhì三国志Tam quốc chíThe Record of the Three Kingdoms, covers the late Eastern Han through the end of of the Three Kingdoms period.
Sīmǎ Yán司马炎Tư Mã ViêmAlso known as Emperor Wu of Jin. Reigned 266-290.
Sūn Quán孙权Tôn QuyềnThe King of Eastern Wu from 229-252
Táo Huáng陶璜-Military general and later administrater of Jiaozhou
Vo Nguyen Giap武元甲Võ Nguyên GiápGreat Vietnam military leader and statesman 1911-2013
Western Jìn西晋Nhà TấnJin Dynasty, Western Jin 265 to 316. Eastern Jin 317-420
Western Liáng西梁Hậu LươngLasted between 555-587...a continuation of the Southern Liang. Also called the Later Liang
Wàn Chūn万春Vạn Xuân QuốcKingdom established by Ly Nam De
Wáng Mǎng王莽Vương MãngUsurped Han throne and ruled China a good while. Overthrown and then started the Eastern Han.
Wèi魏国Tào NgụyAlso called Cao Wei. Northernmost of the Three Kingdoms. Lasted 220-266
Wǔ Dài Shí Guó五代十国Ngũ Đại Thập QuốcFive Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period907 to 960.
Yunnan云南Vân NamSouthwest province in China
Yáng Jiān杨坚Dương KiênSui Dynasty Founder: See Sui Wen Di
Zhàn Pó占婆Chăm PaThe kingdom of Champa, central and south Vietnam
ZhàoTriệuA surname
ZhàoChiếuA mini-kingdom. Nanzhao was made up of a bunch of these
Zhào State赵国Triệu quốcA Zhao Dynasty state (403 to 222 BCE) that made it to the final seven warring kingdoms.
Zhào Tuó赵陀Triệu ĐàFormer Qin official sent down to manage affairs but ended up forming a kingdom instead.
Zhào Yuè Wáng赵越王Triệu Việt VươngSucceeded Ly Nam de to the Van Xuan throne. Reigned 548-571
Zhēng Shì Zǐmèi徵氏姊妹Hai Bà TrưngThe Trưng Sisters
Zhēnlà真腊Chân LạpChenla, the term used for the successor kingdom to Funan down in the south



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Ep. 199 | The History of China-Vietnam Relations (Part 3)


Ep. 197 | The History of China-Vietnam Relations (Part 1)