Ep. 185 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 2)

In this second helping of Laszlo’s overview of the history of Chinese philosophy, the Great Sage himself is the center of focus. Arguably China’s most famous citizen of all time, Confucius (and his disciples) created an ideology and political system that had incredible lasting power.

Part 2examines the stories surrounding Confucius’s life growing up and operating in the State of Lu during the last decades of the Spring and Autumn period of the Zhou Dynasty. In addition to the trials and tribulations faced by Master Kong in his day, the basic tenets of Confucianism are also introduced.

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Terms in Episode

Chén陈国Zhou Era state in central China north of Cai
Chūnqiū春秋Spring and Autumn Annals chronicles the years of Lu State from 722 to 481 BCE
Chǔ楚国Mighty state in present day Central China
Cài蔡国Zhou Era state in central China bordering Chen and Chu
Duke Xiàn of Zhèng ruled郑献公513-501 BCE
Duke Āi of Lǔ鲁哀公Reigned in Lu 494-468 BCE
DàoThe Way or Path
Dèng Xī邓析Pre-Confucian philosopher. Lived 545 to 501 BCE
Guǎn Zhòng管仲720-645 BCE Great reformer and statesman of the Qi State. Advisor to the ruler Duke Huan. Confucius thought highly of him
Huángjīn shídài黄金时代A Golden Age
Jì Sūn Shì季孙氏Viscount Jì Sūn
Surname of the Zhou Dynasty founding family, all surnamed Jī
Kǒng Miào孔庙The Temple of Confucius
Kǒng Qiū孔丘Confucius's name
Liù Yì六艺the Six Arts ritual, music, archery, chariot riding, calligraphy and math
Lüshì Chūnqiū吕氏春秋Mr. Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals
lǎobǎixìng老百姓the people
Lǎozǐ老子Lao Tzu, The Old Master
Lǐjì礼记The Book of Rites
鲁国Neighboring state to Qi in Shandong Province. Qi to the north, Lu to the south.
Lǔ Dìng Gōng鲁定公Duke Dìng of Lǔ
Mèngzǐ孟子Master Mèng
Míng Jiā名家The School of Names
Mòzǐ墨子Philosopher who lived 468-391 BCE. Confucius's first naysayer
Pī Lín Pī Kǒng批林批孔1973 Criticize Confucius Criticize Lin Biao That lasted three years
Qí Jǐng Gōng齐景公Ruler in Qi from 547-490 BCE
Qín Shǐhuáng秦始皇The first Emperor of China
Qūfù曲阜Confucius's birthplace and site of the main Confucian temple
Shàng Shū尚书the Book of Documents
Shísān Jīng十三经The 13 Confucian Classics
ShùnAnother legendary Sage King who may have lived from 2294-2184 BCE
Shāndōng山东Coastal province of China famous for a million things
Shāng Dynasty商朝First dynasty in China for which there is archaeological proof. Ran from roughly 1600 to 1046 BCE
Shāngqiū商丘City in Song State where Confucius's people came from
Shī Jīng诗经The Book of Odes
State of Qí齐国Zhou Era state located in Shandong
Sì Shū四书The Four Books
Sòng State宋国Zhou era state in eastern Hénán and a tad of Western Shandong
Sūnzǐ孙子the Art of War….Sun Tzu Master Sūn….
Three Huan Families of Lǔ (The Sān Huán)三桓The three most powerful political forces in Lu State: Mèng Sūn Shì (孟孙氏), Shū Sūn Shì (叔孙氏) and Jì Sūn Shì (see below)
Wèi渭河Major tributary of the Yellow River
Wǔ cháng五常The Five Bonds - The five relationships between Ruler to the ruled, father to son, husband to wife, elder brother to younger brother and friend to friend
Wǔ Jīng五经The Five Classics
Xiǎo rén小人the Small Person or Lower Person compared with that of the Jūnzǐ
Xìnintegrity, sincerity
Xúnzǐ荀子Master Xún
YáoThe legendary Sage King who may have lived from 2356-2255 BCE
Yì Jīng易经The I Ching or Book of Changes
Yílǐ仪礼Ceremonies and Rites
Zhèng郑国in modern day Hénán
Zhēnrén真人the Perfect Person...
Zhōu Yì周易The Changes of Zhou
Zhōulǐ周礼Rites of Zhou
Zuǒ Zhuàn左传The Commentary of Zuo (by Zuo Qiuming, 30 chapter work covering the period from 722-468 BCE
Zūnchēng尊称an honorific or respectful term added to your surname.
Classical Chinese term for Master
Zǐ Gòng子贡Another major disciple of Confucius
Zǐsī子思Grandson of Confucius and teacher to Mengzi

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Ep. 186 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 3)


Ep. 184 | The History of Chinese Philosophy (Part 1)