Ep. 176 | The History of the Teochew People

In this episode, Laszlo explains a little about the “Gagi Nang”, the 自己人, known the world over as the Teochew (Chiu Chow or Chaozhou) people. Like the Hakka people, the Teochew’s were originally from the Yellow River Valley and migrated to their present location on the Guangdong coast via Fujian province.

Their language and culture are unique. Their food and Chaozhou culture is celebrated in more places than Chaozhou and not just by the people from that region. There are Chaozhounese people on every continent except maybe Antarctica. They’re a proud group of people with a collective track record that is admirable by any standards of human achievement.

The only mentions in this episode were of the Teochew’s of South East Asia and the US. There are plenty of other lesser-known or unknown histories of Teochew’s in Canada, Europe, Mexico, Central, and South America, and of course Australia and New Zealand.

The great 19th-century Chinese diaspora is filled with stories, legends, and historic events. The Chiu Chow people are a major part of everything that happened. They contributed not only to the society and the economy of their adoptive homelands, they still kept their ties with the eight districts of Chao-Shan.

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Terms in Episode

Albert Yeung杨受成Yang Shoucheng The main guy at the Emperor Group
Chao Ju潮剧Chaozhou Opera
Chao Prefecture潮州Set up in 590, where Chaozhou got its name
Chaoshan潮汕The term for the Chaozhou-Shantou-Jieyang region
Chaoshan cai潮汕菜Term used to describe the food of the Chaoshan region
Chaozhou潮州Mandarin pronunciation
Chaozhou Bayi Huiguan潮州八邑会馆The Singapore Eight Districts Association
Chaozhou Guotiao潮州粿条hủ tiếu in Vietnamese, often spelled in English “Kway Teow”
Chao’an County潮安县Set up during the Republic of China
Chiu Chow潮州Cantonese pronunciation
Dancong Cha蚕丛茶Another kind of tea from the Chaoshan region of Guangdong. Not easy to get.
David Tran陈德Họ Trần, Legendary founder of Huy Fong Foods who gave us their Sriracha sauce with the rooster and the green bottle cap.
DiPeople from the northern steppe of Central Asia
dongxie潮州冻蟹A kind of crab in the shell (of course) eaten cold
Emperor Wen of Sui隋文帝Founding emperor of the Sui
Fujian福建Southeast coastal province of China
Fujian ren福建人Someone from Fujian
Fulao福佬The Mandarin pronunciation of Hoklo
Gaginang自己人What Teochew’s call themselves in their dialect (“Our People”)
GanThe dialect of the Jiangxi region
GohTeochew for Wu, the #4 most popular Teochew surname
Gongfu cha工夫茶A kind of tea service and traditional Chaozhou tea custom.
Guangdong province广东Southernmost province of continental China
Guangyuan广元Town in northeast Sichuan province
Hakka客家The dialect of the Hakka people
Hakka People客家人-
Han Dynasty汉朝Ancient dynasty of China 206 BCE – 220 CE
Han Emperor Wu汉武帝Han Dynasty emperor whose forces conquered the Nanyue and reigned 141 – 87 BCE
Han River韩江One of the three rivers of Chaoshan
He Luo河洛 (also 河老)Another way of writing Hoklo
Henan河南Province of China
Hoa Kieu华侨Overseas Chinese (Vietnamese)
Hokkien福建Pronunciation of Fujian in the local dialect (and the people of course)
Hoklo福佬Cantonese for Fujian people
Huanggang River黃冈河One of the three rivers of Chaoshan
Huy Fong Foods汇丰食品公司David Tran’s company, located in Irwindale, California
Jiangnan江南South of the Yangzi River (Southern China)
JiePeople from the northern steppe of Central Asia
Jieyang揭阳The 3rd city to make up the Chaoshan region
Jin Dynasty晋朝Dynasty that ran 265-420 CE
Joseph Lau劉鑾雄Boss of Chinese Estates Holdings
Jürchen Jin dynasty金朝The dynasty that replaced the Northern Song 1115-1234
Kun Qu昆曲Kun opera, the oldest form of Chinese opera
LiTeochew for Li, the #6 most popular Teochew surname
LimTeochew for Lin, the #2 most popular Teochew surname
Lim Por-yen林百欣Lin Baixin… Boss of the Lai Sun Group
Liu Song Dynasty刘宋朝Dynasty in southern China during the Nanbei Chao 420-479
Lushui E卤水鹅Fine tasting Chaozhou goose dish….dip it in vinegar…The ultimate umami!
Ma Huateng马化腾Pony Ma, founder of Ten Cent (騰訊控股有限公司) who gave us WeChat and QQ
Meizhou梅州Homeland of the Hakka people, located in Guangdong
MinThe dialects of Fujian
Min River闽江The main river of Fujian
Minbei闽北North of the Min River
Minnan闽南South of the Min River
Nanbei Chao南北朝The Southern & Northern Dynasties period
Nanhai Commandery南海郡The 郡 or commandery located in southern Guangdong
Nanxi南戏Southern Drama that was popular during the Later Song
Nanyue Kingdom南越国A kingdom that lasted from 204 – 111 BCE
NgTeochew for Huang, the #3 most popular Teochew surname
Ngee Ann Kongsi (Yi’an Gongsi)義安公司Charitable foundation in Singapore
Putian莆田City in southern Fujian
QiangPeople from the northern steppe of Central Asia (and Tibet)
Qianlong emperor乾隆帝Qing emperor reigned 1735-1796
Qin Shihuang秦始皇First emperor of China 220 – 210 BCE
Quanzhou泉州City in southern Fujian
Rong River榕江One of the three rivers of Chaoshan
Rougucha肉骨茶a kind of a Chaozhou style meat soup
Shacha Sauce沙茶醬made from soybean oil, shallots, dried fish, dried shrimp and a nice kick of chili and garlic. Satay sauce
Shantou汕头Port city of the Chaoshan region
Shanxi山西Province of China
SheA Chinese surname (rhymes with 蛇)
She Youjin佘有进Seah Eu Chin 1805 – 1883 – early Singapore Teochew community leader
Sir Li Ka-shing李嘉诚爵士Chaozhounese great featured in CHP episode 13.
SuiDynasty in China that preceded the Tang 581 – 618 CE
Swatow汕头Shantou in the Teochew dialect
Taiping Rebellion太平天国运动Violent upheaval in China lasting from 1850-1864
TanTeochew for Chen, the #1 most popular Teochew surname
Tang dynasty唐朝Dynasty of China 618 – 907
TayTeochew for Zheng, the #5 most popular Teochew surname
Teochew People潮州人-
Tieguanyin铁观音The preferred tea for Chaozhou style gongfu tea.
Vincent Lo罗康瑞Luo Kangrui of Sino Land (who gave us Shanghai’s Xintiandi)
Wang Jianlin王健林Asia’s reigning champion for richest man, founder and chairman of the Dalian Wanda Group....though maybe now it's Ma Yu....
WuThe dialect of Shanghai and the surrounding region
Wu Hu五胡The Five Barbarian tribes
Wu Zetian武则天China’s only real true empress who ruled in her own name and not behind her man.
Xiamen厦门Major city in south Fujian
Xianbei鲜卑People from the northern steppe of Central Asia
XiangThe Hunanese dialect
Xie Guomin谢国民Dhanin Chearavanont – Thailand’s richest man and CP Group boss (sorry for mispronouncing his name)
Xiongnu匈奴People from the northern steppe of Central Asia
Yao Ming姚明China basketball great and NBA superstar. Also a major anti-shark’s fin soup crusader.
YuThe Chiense surname Yu……Compare it to the She above.
Yuan dynasty元朝Mongol-run Dynasty of China 1271-1368
YueThe Cantonese dialect
Yulu鱼露Nước mắm in Vietnamese, Fish Sauce in English
Zhangzhou漳州Major city in south Fujian
Zhao Tuo赵陀Former Qin general who set up the Nanyue Kingdom in Southern China and Northern Vietnam
ZhouAn ancient name for a prefecture
Zhou dynasty周朝Ancient dynasty of China 1046 – 256 BCE
Zou Ma Kan Hua走马看花To look at the flowers while riding a horse….a very superficial view.



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Ep. 177 | William Mesny (Part 1)


Ep. 175 | Su Dongpo