Ep. 205 | Ing “Doc” Hay, Lung On, and the Kam Wah Chung

Laszlo presents another story from the annals of Chinese-American history. This one takes place during the Exclusion years and spotlights the Chinese colony of Eastern Oregon. This is the story of Ing “Doc” Hay and his closest friend and business partner Long On, two Toi Son immigrants who built their American dream on the frontier.

Ing Hay was a trained Chinese herbal doctor and pulmonologist and he brought this unique skill to the American West. This isn’t your typical American immigrant story but then again, Ing Hay and Long On weren’t your typical immigrants.

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Terms in Episode

Běn Cǎo Jīng本草经Shen Nong's Materia Medica, an early guide to Chinese medicinal herbs and techniques
Han汉朝The Han Dynasty 202 BCE to 220 CE
hingdai / xiōngdì兄弟Cantonese / Mandarin for brothers
Huáng Dì黄帝The Yellow Emperor
Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng黄帝内经The Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor
Ing Hay / Wǔ Yúniàn伍于念The subject of this episode. He lived 1862-1952
Kam Wah Chung / Jīn Huā Chāng金花昌Located in John Day, Oregon, the building where much of Ing Hay's ife happened.
kǔ lì苦力Bitter labor....another term for hard work
Lung On / Liáng Guāngróng梁光荣Business partner and friend of Ing Hay for over half a century
Qi...the stuff of life. Everything's comprised of it
Qīng Tóngzhì yuán nián清同治元年The first year of the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi Emperor’s reign
Sì Yì四邑he four contiguous counties of: Xīnhuì 新会, Táishān 台山, Kāipíng 开平 and Ēnpíng 恩平
Toi San (Táishān)台山City located in the Pearl River Delta. A lot of Chinese immigrants came from here
Chinese surname, in Cantonese written and pronounced Ng…N-g
Wǔxíng五行The Five Elements..Wood, fire, earth, metal, water
Xiàpíng Village下坪村Village in Taishan, birthplace of Ing Hay
Yì Jīng易经The I Ching, Book of Changes
Yībābāqī nián sānshí duō míng jīn kuàng huágōng zài cǐ cǎnzāo shālù。 Zhìjīn wúrén rù zuì一八八七年 三十多名金矿华工在此惨遭杀。戮至今无人入罪.)The Site of the 1887 massacre of as many as 34 Chinese gold miners. No one was held accountable.
yīn yáng阴阳Yin and Yang, the two opposing forces that have a hand in everything that happens in the world
Zhōng Yī.中医Chinese medicine (TCM)



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Ep. 206 | Robert van Gulik and Judge Dee


Ep. 204 | Chinese Martial Arts, Wing Chun, and Ip Man (Part 2)