Ep. 134 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 3)

We continue in this episode examining the second decade of Huizong’s reign. The good times lasted about twenty years but all good things can’t go on forever. By 1120 Huizong is going to begin to see the handwriting on the wall. The years we look at today will be the years Huizong later on most regrets.

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Terms in Episode

Cai Jing蔡京Northern Song official, played a major role in Huizong’s reign. One of the greatest calligraphers of his day
Chanyuan zhi meng澶渊之盟The Treaty of Chanyuan
Duke of Zhou周公Son of King Wen, brother of King Wu, Regent to King Cheng
Empress Dowager Xiang向太后Empress of Emperor Shenzong
Fang La方腊Rebel leader of the short-lived but critical Fang La Rebellion
Haishang zhimeng海上之盟The Alliance on the Sea (between Jin and Song)
Hou Jin后晋The Later Jin Dynasty
Huangdi Neijing黄帝内经Ancient medical text, supposedly handed down by the Yellow Emperor
Huizong徽宗Song Dynasty emperor who reigned 1100-1127
Khitan Liao契丹辽代The Khitan Liao Dynasty
Laozi老子Daoism "founder" and writer of the Dao De Jing
Li Cunxu李存勖Founder of the Later Tang Dynasty
Liang Shicheng梁师成Highest ranking of the palace eunuchs, exercised a great amount of control of and access to Huizong
Liao Tianzuo辽天祚Last emperor of the Liao Dynasty
Liezi列子Philosopher 450-375 BCE
Lin Lingsu林灵素Daoist master who conceived the Divine Empyrean sect of Daoism. Huizong was his benefactor and supporter
Liu Hunkang劉混康Great Daoist master. b. 1035, d. 1108
Ming Taizu明太祖Also Known as Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋 and the Hongwu 洪武 Emperor
Shenzong神宗6th Song emperor, father of Huizong
Shi Jingtang石敬瑭Founder of the Later Jin Dynasty who gave the Sixteen Prefectures away to the Liao in 938
ShunMythical Chinese ruler
Tang Xuanzong唐玄宗Tang dynasty emperor, ruled at the peak of the Tang
Tong Guan童贯Great eunuch general and close advisor to Huizong
Wang Anshi王安石Reformer during Shenzong emperor
Wang Fu王黼A Grand Councillor under Huizong. Major proponent to ally with Jin against Liao
Wang Laozhi王老志Daoist Master during Huizong’s reign
Wang Zixi王仔昔Daoist Master during Huizong’s reign
Wanyan Aguda完颜阿骨打Jin Dynasty Founder, also known as Jin Taizu 金太祖
Wanyan Wuqimai完颜吴乞买Younger brother of Aguda, also known as Jin Taizong 金太宗
Xixia西夏The Western Xia, a Tangut empire that ran 1038-1227. Located south of Liao and west of Song China
Yan Yun Shiliuzhou燕云十六州The 16 Prefectures
Yanjing燕京Capital of Yan Prefecture, located in and around present day Beijing
YaoMythical Chinese ruler
Yelü Abaoji耶律阿保机Founder of the Liao Dynasty
Zeng Bu曾布Junior Chief Councillor and trusted advisor to Huizong as soon as he became emperor
Zhang Jue张觉Jin defector who defected to Song and tried to cut a deal with the court
Zhao Kuangyin赵匡胤Founder of the Song Dynasty
Zhao Liangsi赵良嗣Liao defector who early on suggested the Song ally with the Jin against Liao
Zhezong哲宗7th Song emperor, older brother of Huizong
Zhuangzi庄子Daoist great, also writer of the book The Zhuangzi



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Ep. 135 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 4)


Ep. 133 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 2)