Ep. 132 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 1)

We’re going to begin a new series that will look at political, social, and cultural life in the late Northern Song. The second to last emperor Huizong will serve as our vehicle to examine this period in late 11th and early 12th century China.

The Song Dynasty was another one of those times when China was the most advanced and economically powerful civilization on earth. The period in which Huizong reigned was one of the high points of the dynasty. But in 1127 the emperor’s world will come crashing down with invasions from the north.  

Today we begin our look at this emperor.

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Terms in Episode

Bian River卞河River in Kaifeng
Cai Bian蔡卞Younger brother of Cai Jing. Also a chancellor and famed calligrapher
Cai Jing蔡京Northern Song official, later to play a major role in Huizong’s reign. One of the greatest calligraphers of his day. Brother of Cai Bian
Chang’an长安Near modern day Xian, ancient capital of the Tang
Cixi慈禧Cixi Taihou, a.k.a. Empress Dowager Tzu-Hsi
Consort Chen陈皇后Consort of Shenzong, birth mother of Huizong
Consort Liu刘皇后Consort of Zhezong
Empress Dowager Gao高太后Empress to the Yingzong emperor
Empress Dowager Xiang向太后Empress of Emperor Shenzong
Fan Zhongyan范仲淹Early Reformer of the Song
Gaige Kaifang改革开放Reform and opening up to the world, a policy instituted by Deng Xiaoping in the 80’s
Gong County巩县Former name of Gongyi, where the Song tombs are
Gongyi巩义City where the ancient Song tombs are located
Han汉朝The Han Dynasty
Han Zhongyan韩忠彦Senior chancellor during Huizong’s reign
Huizong徽宗Song Dynasty emperor who reigned 1100-1127
Jin晋朝The Jin Dynasty
Kaifeng开封Capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, located in Henan.
Li Jie李誡China’s greatest architect of ancient time, author of the 营造法式 Yingzao Fashi
Liang Congzheng梁从政The chief eunuch when Huizong ascended the throne
Lin’an临安Southern Song capital, located near Hangzhou
Liu Hunkang劉混康Great Daoist master. b. 1035, d. 1108
Ouyang Xiu欧阳修Featured in CHP-071, China’s answer to Leonardo da Vinci. Once a reformer, later conservative
Prince of Duan端王Title of Huizong prior to becoming emperor
Prince of Shen申王9th son of Shenzong, also known as Bi, the one with weak eyes
Qianlong乾隆Qing dynasty emperor who went on several tours of China
Renzong仁宗4th Song emperor
Shenzong神宗6th Song emperor, father of Huizong
Sima Guang司马光Song historian and politician known for his conservative bent
Su Dongpo苏东坡Also known as 苏轼, great politician and local Hangzhou hometown hero
Sui隋朝The Sui Dynasty
Sunzi孙子Wrote the Art of War
Taizong太宗2nd Song emperor
Taizu太祖Temple name of Zhao Kuangyin, Song founder
Tang唐朝The Tang Dynasty
Wang Anshi王安石Reformer during Shenzong emperor
Wang Shen王诜Considered one of China’s greatest landscape painters. Had early influence on young Huizong’s love of art and lit
Wujing Zongyao武警总要Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques, written 1044, explained gunpowder for the 1st time
Yingzao Fashi营造法式The Song work: Treatise on Architectural Methods. Also known as the State Building Standards
Yingzong英宗5th Song emperor
Yuan元朝The Mongol Yuan Dynasty
Zeng Bu曾布Junior Chief Councillor and trusted advisor to Huizong as soon as he became emperor
Zhang Dun章惇Chancellor before Cai Jing
Zhao Bi赵佖Older brother of Huizong, the one who had bad eyes
Zhao Ji赵佶Huizong’s given name
Zhao Kuangyin赵匡胤Song dynasty founder, also known by his temple name Taizu 太祖
Zhao Si赵似Zhao Si, younger brother to Huizong
Zhao Ssi赵偲Zhao Ssi, younger brother to Huizong (spelled with 2 “s” to differentiate from Zhao Si)
Zhao Wu赵俣Zhao Wu, younger brother to Huizong
Zhao Xu赵頊The Shenzong emperor given name (1st tone Xu)
Zhao Xu赵煦The Zhezong emperor given name (4th tone Xu)
Zhenzong真宗3rd Song emperor
Zhezong哲宗7th Song emperor, older brother of Huizong



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Ep. 133 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 2)


Ep. 131 | Morris ‘Two-Gun’ Cohen (Part 2)