Ep. 133 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 2)

Welcome back to Part 2 of our series examining the life of Emperor Huizong. This time we look at Huizong as he attempts to assemble his team and deal with bitter factional strife that was rampant since the Wang Anshi New Reforms.  We also look at Huizong’s interest in the arts and his influence in that realm.

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Terms in Episode

Cai Bian蔡卞Younger brother of Cai Jing. Also a chancellor and famed calligrapher
Cai Jing蔡京Northern Song official, later to play a major role in Huizong’s reign. One of the greatest calligraphers of his day. Brother of Cai Bian
Cai Jing蔡京Northern Song official, later to play a major role in Huizong’s reign. One of the greatest calligraphers of his day. Brother of Cai Bian
Chen Guan陈贯Conservative faction stalwart
Chongning崇宁Huizong’s second era name 1102-1106
Da Jingzhi笪淨之Successor to Liu Hunkang as Master of the Highest Clarity Movement
Daguan大观Huizong’s 3rd era name 1107-1110
Empress Dowager Xiang向太后Empress of Emperor Shenzong
Han Zhongyan韩忠彦Senior chancellor during Huizong’s reign
Huizong徽宗Song Dynasty emperor who reigned 1100-1127
Jianzhong Jingguo建中靖国Huizong’s first era name 1100-1101
Jinshi进士The degree received after passing the 3 year civil service exam
Kaifeng开封City in Henan, Capital of the Northern Song
King Helü阖闾The warrior king of the state of Wu. (see CHP-111)
Laozi老子Lao Tzu, "founder" of Daoism
Li Ji礼记The Book of Rites
Li Jie李誡China’s greatest architect of ancient time, author of the 营造法式 Yingzao Fashi
Li Yu李煜Last ruler of the Southern Tang (5 Dynasties 10 Kingdoms Period), developer of the “gold inlaid knife” style of calligraphy
Liu Hunkang劉混康Great Daoist master. b. 1035, d. 1108
Lü Yijian呂夷簡Chancellor under the Renzong emperor
Maoshan茅山Mountain in Jiangsu, home of the Shangqing School of Daoism
Nianhao年号Era Names
Qinshihuang秦始皇The first Qin Emperor, Ying Zheng
Renzong仁宗The fourth Song emperor
San Li三礼The Three Li’s: The Rites of Zhou, Book of Etiquette and Rites, The Book of Rites
Shangqing上清The Highest Clarity Movement, popular Daoist movement located at Mt. Mao
Shaosheng紹聖Second era of Emperor Zhezong’s reign
Shenzong神宗6th Song emperor, father of Huizong
Shou jin ti瘦金体Slender Gold Style of calligraphy developed early in his reign by Huizong
Siku Quanshu四库全书The Complete Library of the Four Treasuries is the largest collection of Chinese books ever compiled into a single work. This was a work called for by the Qing Dynasty Qianlong emperor
Sima Guang司马光Song historian and politician known for his conservative bent
Sishu Wujing四书五经The Four Books and the Five Classics
Su Shi苏轼Great politician, conservative faction tour de force and local Hangzhou hometown hero
Sunzi孙子Wrote the Art of War
Wang Anshi王安石Reformer during Shenzong emperor
Wang Dan王旦Chancellor under Zhenzong
Yi Li仪礼Book of Etiquette and Rites
Yingzao Fashi营造法式The Song work: Treatise on Architectural Methods. Also known as the State Building Standards
Yuanyou元祐The first era of Emperor Zhezong’s reign
Zeng Bu曾布Junior Chief Councillor and trusted advisor to Huizong as soon as he became emperor
Zhang Dun章惇Chancellor before Cai Jing
Zhao Kuangyin赵匡胤Song emperor Taizu, founder of the Song
Zhenzong真宗3rd Song emperor and big time believer and supporter of Daoism
Zhezong哲宗7th Song emperor, older brother of Huizong
Zhou Li周礼The Rites of Zhou



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Ep. 134 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 3)


Ep. 132 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 1)