Ep. 140-5 | The Classic of Tea

In this fourth installment of the history of tea, we finally make it to the immortal Tea Saint. Lu Yu 陆羽. What Elvis was to rock n' roll, Lu Yu was to the popularity of tea in Chinese society. Here we'll look at his interesting life and his work, "The Classic of Tea" 茶经. From here on out, tea 茶 is no longer tú 荼, and neither is it bitter.

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Terms in Episode

Lù Yǔ陆羽The Tea Saint, and author of the Classic of Tea. He lived 733-804
Chá Jīng茶经The Classic of Tea
Ěr Yǎ尔雅The first surviving Chinese dictionary
jiǎAnother early name for tea
chuǎnAnother early name for tea
cháThe character for tea decided on during the Tang Dynasty
Shén Nóng神农The Divine Farmer, an ancient mythological figure of Chinese pre-history, credited with (among many other things) the discovery of tea.
Bā Shǔ巴蜀The two ancient states located down in present-day Sichuan province
Sìchuān四川Province located in southwest China
Zhōu Gōng周公Duke of Zhōu, son of King Wen and brother to King Wu of Zhou
Zhōu周朝Dynasty in China that lasted from about 1046 to 256 BCE. In 771 BCE the dyansty entered a new phase called The Spring & Autumn Period and Warring States Period.
Hàn汉朝Chinese dynasty that lasted from 202 BCE to 220 CE
Jìn晋朝Chinese dynasty that lasted from 266 to 420 CE
Cháng’ān长安Capital of several dynasties, located in present day Xian, Shaanxi Province
Yán Zhēnqīng颜真卿Chinese calligrapher, military general, and politician. Lived from 709–785. he had a great influence on Lu Yu
Hóngzhì Emperor弘治帝Ming Dynasty emperor who reigned 1407-1505
Zhìjī Chánshī智积禅师Abbot Zhìjī of Lónggài Monastery, Lu Yu's adoptive father
Dézōng Emperor唐德宗Tang emperor who reigned 779-805
Yángzhōu扬州City in Jiangsu Province on the north bank f the Yangzi River
Nánlǐng River南凌河River in northern Jiangsu, renowned in its day for its high quality water
Nánběi Cháo南北朝The Northern and Southern Dynasties period
Suí隋朝A period in Chinese history that was placed in between the Jin and Sui dynasties and lasted from 386-589
Lǐ Shìmín李世民The personal name of the Táng Tàizōng 唐太宗 emperor
Yuè ware越器As the first fine glazed Chinese wares with no toxicity problems from the glazing, Yue ware begins the classic tradition of Chinese ceramics used for serving food and drinking wine or tea.
Xíng ware邢窑is a type of Chinese ceramics produced in Hebei province, most notably during the Tang dynasty.
Héběi河北Province in northern China
Yuèzhōu岳州City in Zhejiang famous for Yue ware
Tiānmén天门City in Hubei. The hometown of Lu Yu
Luk Yu Tea House陸羽茶室Famous tea house and dim sum restaurant located on Stanley Street, in the Central area of Hong Kong, established in 1933.
Huīzōng宋徽宗Second to the last emperor of the Northern Song whose poor leadership led to the fall of the dynasty in 1127. It was reconstituted down in Hangzhou later and lived on as the Southern Song.

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Ep. 140-6 | Camellia sinensis, Superstar


Ep. 140-4 | The Sage of Tea