Ep. 140-1 | Tea’s Ancient Beginnings

In this first episode, we'll explore tea's humble beginnings in the Ba 巴国 and Shu 蜀国 States in today's Sichuan province. We'll also look at the mythical story of the discovery of tea by the Divine Farmer, Shen Nong. We have a long way to go as far as tea's history is concerned. The teas we love and enjoy today, a few millennia ago in Shen Ning's time, also, still had a long way to go. Over the next twenty episodes, we'll look at the history of Chinese tea and as it transforms into a beverage that many of us couldn't do without.

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Terms in Episode

Yúnnán云南Province in Southwest China
Sìchuān四川Province in Western China
Táng Dynasty唐朝Imperial dynasty that ran 618-907
Shāng Dynasty商朝Bronze Age dynasty that ran 1600-1046 BCE
Zhōu Dynasty周朝Dynasty that followed the Shang. Ran 1046-256 BCE
Western Hàn西汉The Han Dynasty ran from 202 BCE to 220 CE. The Western Han from 202 BCE to 9 CE. The Eastern Han, from 25 to 220 CE
Emperor Xuān汉宣帝Emperor Xuan of Han, reigned 74 to 48 BCE
Tóng Yuē僮约A Contract with a Servant
Chéngdū成都Capital of Sichuan Province
Wáng Bāo王褒The man charged with negotiating the “Tóng Yuē”
Wǔyáng武阳乡Small town not far from Chengdu where an ancient tea marker existed
CháTea (Camellia sinensis)
JiǎAnother Chinese character for tea
Another Chinese character for tea
ChuǎnAnother Chinese character for tea
ShèAnother Chinese character for tea
MíngAnother Chinese character for tea
Lù Yǔ陆羽Chinese tea master and literary figure during the Tang Dynasty. Lived 733-804
Chá Jīng茶经The Classic of Tea
Wénrén文人A literary figure
Chá Shèng茶圣The Tea Saint
Shén Nóng神农Mythical Chinese ruler from pre-history. Known by many names.
Fúxī伏羲Another legendary figure from early pre-history
The Yellow Emperor黄帝One of the earliest cultural heroes of the Chinese people and a giant in Chinese mythology
Wǔgǔ Xiāndì五穀先帝The First Deity of the Five Grains. One of Shen Nong’s many names
Shén Nóng Běncǎo Jīng神农本草经The Shen Nong Materia Medica or Shen Nong Herbal
Chá Lín茶林Tea Hill, located in northwest Hunan
Zhāngjiājiè张家界City in Northwest Hunan where Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is located
Rù and Rén入 / 人Two Chinese characters that look very similar. Rù means to enter and Rén means person
Liáng Shíqiū梁实秋Also known as Liang Shih-chiu, renowned educator, writer, translator, literary theorist and lexicographer.
kǔcài苦菜Bitter vegetable
Later Han后汉Also called The Eastern Han. Ran from 25-220 CE
Shī Jīng诗经The Book of Songs, The Book of Odes, one of the Five Classics
Lǐ Jì礼记The Book of Rites
Fújiàn福建Coastal province in China. They grow a lot of tea there
Guǎngdōng广东China’s southernmost province (not including Hainan Island)
Xiàmén厦门Major port city in Fujian. Also known as Amoy
Fúzhōu福州Capital of Fujian
Quánzhōu泉州Port city in southern Fujian
Shuōwén Jiězì说文解字An ancient dictionary compiled during the Han Dynasty
Āndì汉安帝Emperor An of Han, reigned 106 to 125

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Ep. 140-2 | Tea, A Bitter Brew in Bronze Age China


Ep. 139 | Sir Edmund Backhouse (Part 3)