Ep. 231 | The Warlord Era (Part 1)

After years of requests to cover this topic, Laszlo finally gets around to the history of China’s Warlord Era that lasted from 1916 to 1928 and into the Nanjing Decade. In this Part 1 episode, Laszlo gives some background into the historical developments that led to the rise of, who some call, the first warlord, Yuan Shikai.

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Terms in Episode

Ānhuī Clique (Wǎn Xì)皖系Also called The An-Fu Clique. One of the cliques that emerged after the death of Yuan Shikai. Leaders of this Clique were all from Anhui province
Běiyáng Army北洋军Literally "North Ocean Army." This army served as the centerpiece of the Qing Dynasty's military modernization efforts.
Běiyáng Fleet北洋艦隊The most powerful of China's four modern navies built up during the late Qing. Great, but not that great.
Běiyáng Tōngshāng Dàchén北洋通商大臣Minister of Běiyáng
Bǎinián Guóchí百年国耻China's so-called "Century of Humiliation" that lasted from the Opium War to WWII
Chóngqìng重庆Used to be part of Sichuan, now an independent municipality. Also known as Chungking
Cáo Kūn曹锟1862-1938, Tianjin born warlord and government official. Leader of the Zhili Clique
Duàn Qíruì段祺瑞1865-1936. Warlord and China politician. Also served as premier. Originally from Hefei, Anhui, he headed the Anhui Clique
Empress Dowager Cíxǐ慈禧太后1835-1908, ruled China from 1861 to 1908
Fèngtiān Clique奉天系One of the cliques that emerged after the death of Yuan Shikai. Leaders of this Clique were from Manchuria. Fengtian is an old name for Shenyang in Liaoning Province
Féng Yùxiáng冯玉祥1882-1948, born in Anhui and best known as "The Christian Warlord." He changed sides a lot
Guǎngxī Clique (Guì Xì)桂系One of the cliques that emerged after the death of Yuan Shikai. The leader of this Clique was Li Zongren
Huái Army淮军Named after China's Huai River. Also called the Anhui Army. It was led by Li Hongzhang and later became part of the New Army and later, the Beiyang Army
Hàn Chinese汉族Ethnic Han Chinese, China's (and the world's) largest ethnic group. Also known as 华人 Hua Ren and 唐人 Tang Ren
Húběi Province湖北省Province in central China
Kāng Yǒuwéi康有为1858-1927, scholar official known for his reforming efforts during the late Qing Dynasty
Liáng Qǐchāo梁启超1873-1929, Chinese man of letters as well as a political figure of the late Qing and early ROC periods
Lǐ Hóngzhāng李鸿章1823-1901, Qing era general, diplomat and politician
Lǐ Zōngrén李宗仁1890-1969, Guangxi-born warlord, headed up the Guangxi Clique down in southern China
Miáo Rebellion苗乱The third of three rebellions centered in Guizhou Province that lasted 1854-1873
Niǎn Rebellion捻乱Major peasant uprising in China that lasted 1851-1868.
Qiánlóng Emperor乾隆帝Qing dynasty emperor who reigned 1735-1796
Qīng Dynasty清朝Dynasty that lasted 1644-1911
Shāndōng山东Coastal province in north China
Shānxī Clique晋系One of the cliques that emerged after the death of Yuan Shikai. The leader of this Clique was Yan Xishan
Suí隋朝Dynasty in China that lasted 581-618
Sòng宋朝Dynasty that lasted (in two parts) from 960-1279
Sūn Chuánfāng孙传芳1885-1935, Shandong-born military man known as the "Nanking Warlord." Part of the Zhili Clique
The Tàipíng Rebellion.太平天国Rebellion and civil war in China that lasted from 1850-1864
Tiānjìn天津City just to the east of Beijing
Treaty of Shimonoseki下关条约Also known as the 马关条约, signed on April 17, 1895. It ended the First Sino-Japanese War
Táng唐朝Dynasty that lasted 618-907
Tóngménghuì同盟会Sun Yat-sen's United League, forerunner to the Guomindang 国民党….or KMT.
Viceroy of Zhílì直隶总督The leader of Zhili Province. Held by Zheng Guofan, Li Hongzhang and Yuan Shikai. This viceroy held huge sway over the government in Beijing
Western Jìn西晋Unified dyansty that lasted from 266-316
Wú Pèifú吴佩孚1874-1939, Warlord, headed the Zhili Clique
Wǔchāng Uprising武昌起义Uprising that started on 10-10-1911 in the city of Wuchang. Led to the fall of the Qing Dynasty
Xiánfēng Emperor咸丰帝Qing emperor who reigned 1850-1861
Xiāng Army湘军Army organized and led by Zeng Guofan. It saw action during the Taiping Rebellion
Xīběi Sān Mǎ西北三吗Old CHP episode 78…The Warlord Ma Clique of Northwest China
Xīn Jūn新军short for Xīnjiàn Lùjūn. 新建陆军
Yuán Shìkǎi袁世凯1859-1916, Military and government official and first president of the Republic of China. Also called "The First Warlord"
Yán Xíshān阎锡山1883-1960, Warlord born and raised in Shanxi. Headed the Shanxi Clique
Yǒng Yíng勇营Regional militias that emerged during the Qing that consisted of local peasant soldiers
Zhílì直隶Ming and Qing era province that today mostly comprises Hebei
Zhílì Clique直隶系One of the cliques that emerged after the death of Yuan Shikai. The power base for this Clique was in and around Zhili
Zhāng Zuòlín张作霖1875-1928, Liaoning-born warlord of Manchuria and major political figure as well. Also served as President of the ROC.
Zhāng Zōngchāng张宗昌1881-1932, best known as "The Dogmeat General". Born in Shandong
Zhōu Dynasty周朝Western Zhou 1046-771 BCE and Eastern Zhou 771-221 BCE
Zēng Guófān曾国藩1811-1872, Qing era statesman, general, scholar and leader of the Xiang (Hunan) Army.
Zǒng Dū总督Viceroy or governor-general



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Ep. 232 | The Warlord Era (Part 2)


Ep. 230 | The Pirate and Mongol Slayer Qi Jiguang