Ep. 263 | The History of the Thai Chinese (Part 5)
We leave the 19th century and focus on the events in Siam during the early 20th century, looking at some of the events that happened during the reigns of the progressive king and friend to the Thai Chinese King Chulalongkorn and his son, King Vajiravudh.

Ep. 240 | The Warlord Era (Part 10)
In this concluding episode of our Warlord series, we’ll look at Zhang Zongchang’s Warlord Rebellion in Northeast Shandong and a special focus on Liu Zhennian, the Red Spears, and the Central Plains War.

Ep. 239 | The Warlord Era (Part 9)
In this Part 9 episode we look at the events following the Shanghai Massacre when Chiang and his “ally” Wang Jingwei take the fight to Zhang Zuolin’s alliance.

Ep. 238 | The Warlord Era (Part 8)
Part 8 in this series presents a brief overview of “The Model Governor” Yan Xishan and his home province of Shanxi. After some daring moves on Chiang Kai-shek’s part, he bests his opponents and takes control of the KMT and the National Revolutionary Army.

Ep. 236 | The Warlord Era (Part 6)
In this episode, we look at the years 1922-24 and the Second Zhili-Fengtian War. And you can’t talk about the Second Zhiuli-Fengtian War without also mentioning the Jiangsu-Zhejiang War.

Ep. 235 | The Warlord Era (Part 5)
In Part 5 Laszlo gives the backstory to the Anhui-Zhili War and introduces another warlord, the famous Zhang Zuolin, a.k.a. The Manchurian Warlord. We’ll also look at the very brief war between the forces of Duan Qirui and their Zhili opponents led by Wu Peifu as well as the aftermath up to and including the First Zhili-Fengtian War.

Ep. 232 | The Warlord Era (Part 2)
This time in Part 2 we focus on the rise and fall of Yuan Shikai and all the measures he took between 1911-1916. These all primed the pump for the Warlord Era that followed his sudden death.

Ep. 231 | The Warlord Era (Part 1)
In this Part 1 episode covering the Warlord era, Laszlo gives some background into the historical developments that led to the rise of, who some call, the first warlord, Yuan Shikai.

Ep. 214 | V.K. Wellington Koo (Part 1)
This week we will examine the life of statesman and diplomat Wellington Koo, who was instrumental in China’s involvement in the Paris Peace Conference. In this first of a two-part series, we will look at the historical events that shaped his early life and career.