Ep. 238 | The Warlord Era (Part 8)

Part 8 in this series first presents a brief overview of “The Model Governor” Yan Xishan and his home province of Shanxi. After some daring moves on Chiang Kai-shek’s part, he bests his opponents and takes control of the KMT and the National Revolutionary Army.

Under his command, Chiang launches the Northern Expedition. This episode will focus on the fateful years of 1926-1927.

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Terms in Episode

Ānguójūn安国军The National Peace Army, More about them in Part 9
Ānhuī安徽Province in Eastern China
Bái Chóngxǐ白崇禧Ethnic Hui Guangxi-born military great for the KMT side. Served as NRA chief of staff during the Northern Expedition. Lived from 1893-1966
Běiyáng北洋Literally "North Ocean Army." This organization was led by Yuan Shikai and was a breeding ground for many generals who later ruled as warlords
Chángshā长沙Capital of Hunan
Duàn Qíruì段祺瑞1865-1936. Warlord and China politician. Also served as premier. Originally from Hefei, Anhui, he haded the Anhui Clique
Dù Yuèshēng杜月笙1888-1951, Big Eared Du, along with Pockmarked Huang, one of the top guys in the Green Gang that ruled the vice in Shanghai
Fèngtiān奉天The military and political organization headed by the Manchurian Warlord, Zhang Zuolin.
Féng Yùxiáng冯玉祥1882-1948, known as The Christian Warlord and The Betraying General. A major figure from the warlord era
Fújiàn福建Coastal province in southern China
Fēicháng gǎnxiè nǐmen非常感谢你们I am extremely grateful to all of you
Guìzhōu贵州Province in Southwest China
Guómínjūn国民军National People’s Army. Also the name of Feng Yuxiang's Clique
Guǎngdōng广东Province in Southern China
Guǎngxī广西Province in Southwest China next door to Guangdong
Guǎngzhōu广州Capital of Guangdong Province and major city in modern Chinese history (and ancient China too)
Huáng Jīnróng黄金荣1868-1953, known as Pockmarked Huáng. He, along with his cohorts, most famously Big Ears Du Yuesheng, ran the Green Gang, the most powerful criminal organization in Shanghai
Huángpǔ Jūnxiào黄埔军校Whampoa Military Academy
Hé Yìngqīn何应钦1890-1987, longtime ally of Chiang Kai-shek who served as one of his most trusted generals
Héběi河北Northern province of China, where Beijing is physically located. During the Warlord Era the province was known as Zhili
Hénán河南Northern province of China
Hú Hànmín胡汉民1879-1936, on again off again ally of Chiang Kai-shek. A major political figure in the KMT from the earliest days
Jiāngsū江苏Coastal Province in East China north of Shanghai
Jiāngxī江西Province in Eastern China
JìnAncient state during the Western Zhou period. Its location was in and around where present day Shanxi is located.
Kǒng Xiángxǐ孔祥熙H.H. Kung, KMT stalwart, finance minister, and spouse to one of the Soong Sisters, the oldest and brightest, Aìlíng
Líu Bāng刘邦Ruled Han Dynasty China from its founding in 202 till 195 BCE
Lǐ Dàzhāo李大钊1889-1927, co-founder of the Chinese Communist Party and a major intellectual of his day. Killed by Zhang Zuolin's forces
Mófàn Dūjūn模范督军Yan Xishan's nickname: The Model Governor
Nánchāng南昌Capital of Jiangxi province
Nánjīng南京Capital of Jiangsu province and capital of the Ming Dynasty and Republic of China
Qín Shǐhuáng秦始皇Qin Dynasty founder and unifier of the nation
Shāndōng山东Coastal province in north China
Shānxī山西Northern and very ancient province in China
Sūn Chuánfāng孙传芳1885-1935, Known as The Nanking Warlord. One of the major warlords of the era
Tàiháng太行山250 mile long mountain range in Shanxi, Henan and Hebei
Tàiyuán太原Capital of Shanxi and the province's largest city
Táng Shēngzhì唐生智1889-1970, Hunan born warlord who later joined Chiang Kai-shek's side
Tóngménghuì同盟会Sun Yat-sen's United League, forerunner to the Guomindang 国民党….or KMT.
Wú Pèifú吴佩孚1862-1938, Succeeded Feng Guozhang as head of the Zhili Clique, also former president of China
Wāng Jīngwèi汪精卫1883-1944 was the Guangdong-born leader of the Left Wing of the Kuomintang
Wǎnxì皖系The Ānhuī Clique
Wǔchāng Uprising武昌起义Uprising that started on 10-10-1911 in the city of Wuchang. Led to the fall of the Qing Dynasty
Wǔtái五台山Mountains in northeast Shanxi. One of them is sacred
Xià Dynasty夏朝Ancient mythical dynasty that ran from 2070-1600 BCE and was succeeded by the Shang Dynasty
Xīnzhōu忻州City in northern Shanxi. Hometown of Yan Xishan
Yuán Shìkǎi袁世凯1859-1916, Military and government official and first president of the Republic of China. Also called "The First Warlord"
Yán Xīshān阎锡山1883-1960, the Shanxi Warlord, he ran things in Shanxi for thirty-eight years.
Yángzǐjiāng扬子江The Yangzi River
YáoMythical ancient emperor who lived from 2333-2234 BCE. He was one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors
Yúnnán云南A province in southwestern China known for its large number of ethnic minorities
Yǔ the Great大禹Mythical founder of the Xià Dynasty. Lived from 2123-2025 BCE, or so says Sima Qian
Zhèjiāng浙江Coastal Province in Central China
Zhílì直隶Former name of Hebei province
Zhāng Qún张群1889-1990, another longtime ally of Chiang Kai-shek who served as one of his most trusted generals. Also served as premier
Zhāng Zuòlín张作霖1875-1928, The Manchurian Warlord, another major warlord in his day
Zhāng Zōngchāng张宗昌Known affectionately as The Dogmeat General, also known by many nicknames, he was one of Zhang Zuolin's best generals. Later became Military Governor of Shandong. Lived from 1881-1932
Zhōngtiáo中条山Mountain range in southern Shanxi



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Ep. 239 | The Warlord Era (Part 9)


Ep. 237 | The Warlord Era (Part 7)