Ep. 233 | The Warlord Era (Part 3)

The saga continues as the demise of Yuan Shikai is followed by the rise of Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang. The Beiyang Military machine begins to crack into two main factions or cliques. In this episode, we will also hear about the exploits and imperial dreams of the Mafoo Warlord, Zhang Xun. And as the world mainly focused on the Great War in Europe, these two years of 1917-1918 were filled with so many momentous events in Republican China.

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Terms in Episode

Ānhuī Clique皖系Also called The An-Fu Clique. One of the cliques that emerged after the death of Yuan Shikai. Leaders of this Clique were all from Anhui province
Ānhuī province安徽省Province in Eastern China
Běiyáng Army.北洋军Literally "North Ocean Army." This army served as the centerpiece of the Qing Dynasty's military modernization efforts.
Běiyáng Clique北洋系The northern Chinese faction comprised of all the top military figures from th Beiyang Army
Bǎodìng Military Academy保定军校Another major military academy in China founded by Yuan Shikai
Duàn Qíruì段祺瑞1865-1936. Warlord and China politician. Also served as premier. Originally from Hefei, Anhui, he headed the Anhui Clique
Empress Dowager Cíxǐ慈禧太后The Empress Dowager Cixi, 1835-1908, ruled China from 1861 to 1908
Féng Guózhāng冯国璋General and politician during the Republic of China. Lived from 1859-1919
Guómíndǎng国民党The KMT, known as the Kuomintang. The Nationalist Party
Guǎngzhōu广州Capital of Guangdong Province
Huái Army淮军Named after China's Huai River. Also called the Anhui Army. It was led by Li Hongzhang and later became part of the New Army and later, the Beiyang Army
Héféi合肥Capital of Anhui Province
Húběi湖北省Province in central China
Lí Yuánhóng黎元洪Lived 1864-1928, president of the ROC 1916-1917 and 1922-23
Lǐ Hóngzhāng李鸿章1823-1901, Qing era general, diplomat and politician
Mǎfū马夫Called a Mafoo, a kind of horse groom who worked in the stables
Nánchāng南昌Capital of Jiangxi province
Pǔyí溥仪The Last Emperor, also known as the Xuantong Emperor
Qing Dynasty清朝China's last imperial dynasty, lasted 1644-1911
Qīngcháo mòniándé mònián清朝末年的末年No one actually ever says this but the Mònián usually mean the final years (of a dynasty). So the Mònián de mònián mean the last years of the last years of the dynasty
Shāndōng province山东省Coastal province in north China
Tiānjìn Military Academy天津军校Military Academy founded by Li Hongzhang
Wǔchāng Uprising武昌起义Uprising that started on 10-10-1911 in the city of Wuchang. Led to the fall of the Qing Dynasty
Xúzhōu徐州City in northern Jiāngsū where it meets the borders of Ānhuī and Shāndōng.
Xīn Jūn新军The New Army, short for Xīnjiàn Lùjūn. 新建陆军. Later became the Beiyang Army
Xīnhài Revolution辛亥革命The Revolution of 1911 which climaxed in the Wuchang Uprising on October 10th
Yuán Shìkǎi袁世凯1859-1916, Military and government official and first president of the Republic of China. Also called "The First Warlord"
Zhílì直隶Ming and Qing era province that today mostly comprises Hebei
Zhāng Xūn张勋1854-1923, Qing loyalist general who attempted to restore the abdicated emperor Puyi in the Manchu Restoration of 1917. He also supported Yuan Shikai during his time as president



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Ep. 234 | The Warlord Era (Part 4)


Ep. 232 | The Warlord Era (Part 2)