Ep. 251 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 8)

After inserting that 10-Year Anniversary special 7-Part program in between the last episode (Part 7) and this one, we’re back with more Xinjiang in Part 8. We start off with the great Uyghur diaspora that followed after the fall of the Uyghur Khaganate in 840. 

In this episode, we’ll see what happened to them after they arrived in Gansu and Xinjiang. We’ll also skim the surface to review the Kara-Khanid and Kara-Khitai Khanates who both had such a profound influence on shaping the future development of Central Asia and the spread of Islam. 

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Terms in Episode

Ātúshi阿图什Artux, city in western Xinjiang north of Kashgar
Běitíng北庭Place north of Turpan in present day Jimsar County. Site of the Beiting Protectorate and lots of history during and after the Tang
Dàlǐ Kingdom大理国Kingdom located in Yunnan that ran 937 to 1253
Dézōng / Yēlǜ Dàshí德宗 / 耶律大石The final Liao Dynasty emperor who led his people west to eventually found the Qara-Khitai Khanate
Gānsù甘肃Province in Western China
Gānzhōu甘州Area inside Gansu that was the site of the Ganzhou Uyghur Kingdom
Gāo Xiānzhī高仙芝Tang general who lived during the first half of the 8th century. Born in KOrea and also known as Ko Sonji, he fought many battles for the Tang including in 751 at the Battle of Talas
Gāochāng高昌Capital of Qocho Kingdom. Also called Karakhoja, the "Chinese colony" setup where the Jushi Kingdom used to be. Later the site of a Chinese Commandery (郡)
Gūiyì Jūn归义军The Gūiyì Circuit, an area in Gansu that was controlled by Chinese loyal to the Tang
Huángtóu Huíhé / Huíhú黄头回纥 / 回鹘The Yellow Head Uyghurs who set up a small state after being chased out of the Ganzhou Uyghur Kingdom
Huīzōng宋徽宗Second to the last emperor of the Northern Song.
Hàn Wǔdì汉武帝Long-reigning Western Han emperor, known mostly as Emperor Wu
Héxī or Gānsù Corridorh河西 / 甘肃走廊Also known as the Gansu Corridor, the main road from westernmost China to the easternmost Tarim Basin where the northern route of the Silk Road began
Jīn Dynasty金朝Jürchen dynasty that ran 1115-1234
Liáo Dynasty辽朝Dynasty created in the north of China by the Khitan warrior Yelü Abaoji
Liáo Shǐ辽史One of the official 24 Histories, written during the Yuán Dynasty.
Northern Sòng北宋The part of the Song Dynasty that ran 960-1127 when the capital was located in Bianjing ( modern Kaifeng)
Níngxià宁夏Province next door to Shaanxi, where the Tangut Western Xia Dynasty was located
Qara-Khanid Khanate喀喇汗国Central Asian Turkic khaganate. Ran from 840-1212
Qara-Khitai喀喇契丹 / 西辽Successor state to conquered Liao Dynasty, also called the Western Liao. Ran from 1124-1218
Qīnghǎi青海Massive province in western China nestled in between Tibet and Xinjiang
Shāzhōu沙州Shā Prefecture, present day Dūnhuáng
Shǎnxī陕西Ancient province in north China on the Yellow River. Chang'an was located in Shaanxi
Suìyè碎叶Suyab, located 50 miles east of present-day Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan.
Sòng Tàizōng宋太宗Second Song emperor, brother to the dynasty founder.
Táng唐朝One of China's greatest dynasties. Lasted 618-907
Táng Xuānzōng唐宣宗Tang emperor who reigned 846-859 during the late Tang
Wáng Yándé王延德Lived from 939 to 1006 - 984 Wáng Yándé made it to the Turpan Basin to the Qocho Kingdom
Xiōngnú匈奴A once powerful confederation of tribes whose empire once stretched from the eastern reaches of the Mongol homeland and into East Central Asia
Xī Xià西夏Western Xià Dynasty 1038-1227
Xīnjiāng新疆The area that is now contained in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. Also known by many names prior to 1884
Yínchuān银川Capital of Ningxia Province and the former Western Xia
Yùgù zú裕固族The Yugur Ethnic Minority who are associated with the Yellow Head Uyghurs
Yùmén玉门The Jade Gate. The symbolic last stop before one left China proper (or entered depending on which direction y9ou were coming from
Yúnnán云南Southwest Province in China
Yēlǜ Ābǎojī耶律阿保机Founder of the Khitan Liao Dynasty
Yīníng伊宁Chagatai Khanate capital located in the Yīlí Valley 伊犁…not too far from the Xinjiang Kazakhstan border.
Zhào Kuāngyìn赵匡胤Founder of the Song Dynasty. Lived from 927-976
Zhāng Qiān张骞Great Han Dynasty adventurer and diplomat.
Zhāng Yìcháo张轶超Tang loyalist who fought for the Xuanzong Emperor to push the Tibetans out of Gansu
Zhāngyè张掖City in Gansu within the Hexi Corridor that was the site of the former city of Ganzhou



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Ep. 252 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 9)


CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 7)