Ep. 252 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 9)

In this episode, we’ll look at the 13th to 17th centuries, Yuan to Qing. After the final end of the Chagatai Khanate, it’s going to be non-stop wars, alliances, and betrayals in this portion of Central Asia. The Zunghars will emerge as a new power in Xinjiang that posed a threat to the new Qing Dynasty.

That will lead to all kinds of trouble that we’ll look at next episode.

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Terms in Episode

Gānsù Corridor河西 / 甘肃走廊Also known as the Gansu Corridor, the main road from westernmost China to the easternmost Tarim Basin where the northern route of the Silk Road began
Khotan和田Ancient Iranic kingdom located in the southwest of the Tarim Basin. Also known as Hotan and by many other names
Kāngxī康熙Longest reigning emperor in Chinese history racking up 61 years on the dragon throne. 1661 to 1722.
Later Jīn Dynasty后金朝Manchu Dynasty that lasted 1616 to 1636. Founded by Nurhacu and Hong Taiji. Preceded the Qing
Míng Dynasty明朝Second to the last dynasty of Imperial China, lasting from 1368 to 1644
Mòdú Chányú魔都禅语Great Xiongnu leader who founded the Xiongnu Empire. Lived from c. 234 to 174 BCE
Qara-Khitai喀喇契丹Successor state to conquered Liao Dynasty, also called the Western Liao. Ran from 1124-1218
Qiánlóng乾隆Another long reigning champ, occupying the throne from 1733 to 1796
Qīng Dynasty清朝Last dynasty of Imperial China, ruled by Manchu's, lasted 1644-1911
Shùnzhì顺治Third Qing Dynasty Emperor and first one to rule over China after 1644. Reigned 1643-1661.
Tiānshān天山The Heavenly Mountains that separates the Turpan and Tarim Basins
Western Liáo西辽See above
Xīnjiāng新疆The area that is now contained in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. Also known by many names prior to 1884
Yīlí伊犁Name of major river and basin that flows from the Tianshan in Xinjiang to Lake Balkhash in Kazakhstan
Yōngzhèng雍正Qing emperor who reigned 1709-1722
Yǐ Yí Zhì Yí以夷制夷A system used by China from time immemorial of using "barbarians" to control "barbarians"
Zhū Yuánzhāng朱元璋Also known as the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty (the Hongwu Emperor). Reigned 1368 to 1398
Zunghars (Zhǔngá'ěr)准噶尔A major tribe of Oirat Mongols who built a khanate that Xinjiang was part of from 1634-1755



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Ep. 253 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 10)


Ep. 251 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 8)