Ep. 168 | Zhou Enlai (Part 8)

In this bonus one-hour+ episode we look at the last six years of Zhou Enlai’s life. It was a bittersweet end for Premier Zhou. In between doing great things for China and guiding the country’s general well-being, he was forced to play a central role in some of the worst internecine politics in CCP history.

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Terms in Episode

Beidaihe北戴河Beach resort near Qinhuangdao, Hebei province, popularly used as a Party retreat for informal meetings
Chen Boda陈伯达Former secretary, speechwriter to Mao
Chen Yi陈毅Another great military leader, later foreign minister
Deng Yingchao邓颖超Wife of Zhou Enlai, later chairperson of the CPPCC
Gaige kaifang改革开放The policy of reform and opening up to the outside world
Hua Guofeng华国锋named as acting Premier to replace Zhou, later Party Chairman
Jiang Qing江青Wife of Mao Zedong, Gang of Four leader
Jiangxi Province江西Province in eastern China
Li Xiannian李先念Great military and political leader, later President of Chian 1983-88
Lin Biao林彪Revolutionary hero, great general, Mao chosen successor
Lin Liguo林立果Son of Lin Biao, main planner of the attempted coup of Lin Biao
Liu Shaoqi刘少奇State Chairman (title changed to president in 1982), main target of Cultural Revolution
Luo Ruiqing罗瑞卿Popular general, early victim of the Cultural Revolution
Lushan庐山Scenic spot in northern Jiangxi, site of many historic meetings
Mao Yuanxin毛远新Mao’s nephew, son of his younger brother Mao Zemin
Nanchang南昌Capital of Jiangxi province
Nancy Tang Wensheng唐文生Mao’s English interpreter
Peng Dehuai彭德怀Great military leader, destroyed by Mao at Lushan in 1959 due to criticism of the Great Leap Forward
Pi Lin Pi Kong批林批孔运动The Criticize Lin Biao, Criticize Confucius Campaign
Poyang Lake鄱阳湖China’s largest freshwater lake
Shanhaiguan山海关Historic district near to Beidaihe and Qinhuangdao
Sige Xiandaihua四个现代化The Four Modernizations
Sun Weishi孙维世Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao’s adopted daughter
Tangshan唐山City in Hebei, just east of Beijing, epicenter of the great earthquake of 1976
Wang Dongxing汪东兴Mao’s bodyguard during the Cultural Revolution years. Commander of the 8341 Special Regiment
Wang Hairong王海容Mao’s grand niece and later vice minister of the Foreign Ministry
Wang Hongwen王洪文Young, unknown Shanghai radical hand picked by Mao to be his successor
Wu Faxian吴法宪Former Air Force commander, staunch Lin Biao supporter
Wumao’s五毛党People in the Party’s employ responsible for flooding the internet with pro-Party comments in an effort to sway public opinion.
Xian Incident西安事变October 12, 1936 kidnapping of Chiang Kai-shek
Xinjian County Tractor Factory新建县拖拉机厂Factory outside Nanchang where Deng Xiaoping was sent to work after his first political purge in 1969
Yao Wenyuan姚文元Prominent writer, critic…wrote the initial critique of Wu Han’s play that kicked off the Cultural Revolution
Ye Jianying叶剑英Great PLA general, great leader, rose to the occasion at several key moments in China history
Ye Qun叶群Wife of Lin Biao
Zhang Chunqiao张春桥Political theoretician, later member of the Gang of Four
Zhongnanhai中南海Government leadership compound adjacent to the Forbidden City
Zhu De朱德PLA founder, great general and comrade of Mao
Zhuang Zedong庄则栋One of China’s greatest table tennis champions
Zunyi Conference遵义会议Historic CCP conference in January 1935 in which Mao and Bo Gu fought for supremacy
“Tian yao xia yu, niang yao jia ren, wufa keshe, you ta qu ba!”天要下雨,娘要嫁人,无法可设,由他去吧"The heavens must rain and a woman wants to be wed….nothing can be done about this….let him go.”

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Ep. 169 | The Mongol Yuan Dynasty (Part 1)


Ep. 167 | Zhou Enlai (Part 7)