Ep. 166 | Zhou Enlai (Part 6)

This time in Part 6 of our Zhou Enlai series, we look at the second half of the 1950s. Zhou was as busy as ever, setting up the government, handling foreign relations, and dealing with Chairman Mao.

This episode will see Zhou during the Gao Gang Affair, Hundred Flowers, Anti-Rightist, San Fan and Wu Fan Campaigns, Land Reform, rapid agricultural collectivization, and the disastrous Great Leap Forward.

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Terms in Episode

Bo Yibo薄一波Old revolutionary from Shanxi in charge of finance and the economy with Chen Yun
Chen Yi陈毅PLA legend, soccer fanatic, close comrade of Mao’s and later Shanghai mayor and China foreign minister (after Zhou stepped down)
Chen Yun陈云Old revolutionary chiefly in charge of China’s economy
Chengdu成都Capital city in Sichuan
Gao Gang高岗Senior CCP leader who fell victim of the first high-level purge in PRC history
Gao Rao Fan Dang Lianmeng高饶反党联盟The Gao-Rao Anti-Party Alliance
Hangzhou杭州City in Zhejiang, former capital of the Southern Song
jus sanguinis-This is a Latin word meaning “right of blood”
Li Fuchun李富春Old comrade of Zhou’s from Paris, great revolutionary, Vice premier
Li Xiannian李先念CCP legend who played a major role in the 80’s with Deng Xiaoping
Liaoning辽宁One of the three provinces of Manchuria
Liu Shaoqi刘少奇Party legend and sometimes rival of Chairman Mao
Lushan庐山Sacred mountain and site of a famous resort in Jiangxi province
Lushunkou旅顺口Port Arthur in Liaoning Province
Nanning南宁Capital city in Guangxi province
Peng Dehuai彭德怀Legendary PLA leader and old comrade of Mao
Rao Shushi饶漱石Gao Gang accomplice in the Gao Gang Affair
Ren duo hao ban shi人多好办事When you have a lot of people, things are easy to do
San Fan Campaign三反运动The 3 Anti’s Campaign
Shaanxi陕西Ancient province where Xian is the capital. Next door to Shanxi
Tanwu he langfei shi jidade fanzui贪污和浪费是极大的犯罪Corruption and Waste were the biggest crimes
Wang Ming王明29 Bolsheviks leader who challenged Mao and lost
Wu Fan Campaign五反运动The 5 Anti’s Campaign
Yan’an延安Revolutionary CCP base from 1935-1947
Zhang Zuolin张作霖Warlord of Manchuria in the 1920’s
Zhongguo Minhang中国民航CAAC The old China national airline before it was broken up
Zhongnanhai中南海Compound adjascent to the Forbidden City where China’s leaders reside.
zili gengsheng自力更生Self-reliance

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Ep. 167 | Zhou Enlai (Part 7)


Ep. 165 | Zhou Enlai (Part 5)