Ep. 257 | Emily “Mickey” Hahn

Not to be confused with Emily Hahn, the voice of Bonnie in Toy Story 3 who got to live happily ever after with Woody and Buzz, Emily Mickey Hahn (1905-1997) was a woman who lived a long and interesting life.

Her writings from her years in China from 1935 to 1943 and the dispatches she sent back to The New Yorker Magazine were essential reading for those hungry to learn about China during a time when the world was becoming smaller and more dangerous. She experienced first hand the desolation and ravages of Japanese invasion and occupation.

Besides her journalistic contributions to the early American understanding of China, she was an early feminist patron saint, living life to its fullest and ignoring the conventions of her day that still demanded women know their place.

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Terms in Episode

Chóngqìng重庆Municipality in southwest China east of Chengdu. Formerly part of Sichuan.
Guāngxù Emperor光绪帝Second to the last Qing emperor. reigned 1875-1908
Guǎngzhōu广州Historic port city in southern China. Capital of Guangdong Province
Jiāngxī Road江西路One of the major roads of Shanghai
Lǔ Xùn鲁迅1881-1936, one of the most admired Chinese writers of the early 20th century
Qīng Dynasty清朝China's last imperial dynasty, ran from 1644-1911
Shào Xúnměi邵洵美1906-1968, Known around town as Zau Sinmay. Poet, publisher, man about town. He had it good for a while
Sòng Aìlíng宋霭龄
Sòng Měilíng宋美龄1893-1981, the middle Soong sister, widow of Sun Yat-sen
Sòng Qìnglíng宋庆龄1888-1973, a.k.a. Nancy Soong, the oldest of the Soong Sisters
Xiàng Měilì项美丽Emily Hahn's Chinese name, given to her by Sinmay's family




Earnshaw Books

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Ep. 258 | Jiang Ziya


Ep. 256 | Vincent Chin