Ep. 210 | The History of the Jewish Refugees in China (Part 3)

In this third episode in a series examining the history of the Jewish refugees who found sanctuary on the east coast of China, the focus is on escalating events in Europe in 1938-1939. With the consolidation of Hitler’s rise, it didn’t bode well for many Jews.

As the countdown to Kristallnacht gets closer the situation becomes more urgent and Shanghai as a destination becomes more popular. The great humanitarian He Fengshan (何凤山) will also be introduced.

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Terms in Episode

Chén Jiè陈介Chinese ambassador to Germany. He reprimanded He Fengshan for granting those visas
Gǔ Zhēng古筝A millennia old 21 stringed instrument
Huòshān Lù霍山路One of the main roads in Shanghai where Jewish refugees lived and worked
Hé Fèngshān何凤山1901-1997 Great humanitarian who saved the lives of thousands of Austrian Jews
Hóngkǒu虹口District in the north part of Shanghai where the majority of Jewish refugees ended up living
Wāng Jīngwèi汪精卫Chinese politician who headed a Japanese-backed puppet regime to rival Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist governmemt
Yángzǐ Jiāng扬子江China's longest river that divides the country north and south
Zhōushān Lù周山路Another of the main Roads of the Jewish part of Hongkou. "Little Vienna" was located here.


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Ep. 211 | The History of the Jewish Refugees in China (Part 4)


Ep. 209 | The History of the Jewish Refugees in China (Part 2)