Ep. 167 | Zhou Enlai (Part 7)

In this longer than expected 7th episode of our Zhou Enlai series, the Cultural Revolution gets underway, which is something that Zhou will have to deal with until his dying day. Aside from this, China’s illustrious Premier also has his hands full with a thousand other responsibilities, both foreign and domestic.

If you are curious to get more info, check out The Story of Zho Enlai on YouTube linked below in the Resources section.

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Terms in Episode

biyaopin必要品Necessities of Life
Bo Yibo薄一波Chinese leader and one of the Eight Immortals
Boyan伯延A town near Wu’an (武安) in southern Hebei
Chen Yi陈毅Great Chinese leader, general, statesman, football fanatic
Chen Yun陈云Chinese leader and one of the Eight Immortals
chi chuan yong吃穿用“Eat, Wear, Use”
cunmin村民village people
Deng Jiaxian邓稼先The father of China’s nuclear program. Great nuclear physicist
Deng Xiaoping邓小平China’s supreme leader in the 1980’s
Deng Yingchao邓颖超Wife of Zhou Enlai, among many other things
Dongfang Hong东方红The East is Red
Gansu甘肃Province in western China
Geming lao qu革命老区Revolutionary areas loyal to the CCP going back to the 2nd Sino-Japanese War
Gu Mu谷牧1914-2009, great revolutionary, politician, vice-premier
Guiyang贵阳Capital of Guizhou Province
Guizhou贵州Interior province of China
Hangzhou杭州Capital of Zhejiang province
He Long贺龙Great PLA general
Hebei河北Province in northern China
Huai’an淮安City in Jiangsu Province, birthplace of Zhou Enlai
Jiang Qing江青Mao’s last wife, among many other things, all negative
Jiangsu江苏Rich coastal province in China
Jinggangshan井冈山Soviet base set up by Mao in the mountains of Jiangxi
lao gege老哥哥Old buddy
Li Fuchun李富春Leader and statesman in China, handled the planning of China’s economy
Li Siguang李四光Great Chinese scientist, father of China’s geomechanics program
Lin Biao林彪Great military hero of the PRC, former defense minister, later rabble rouser
Liu Bocheng刘伯承Great PLA general who worked closely with Deng Xiaoping
Liu Shaoqi刘少奇Great Chinese leader, persecuted by Mao during Cultural Revolution
Luo Ruiqing罗瑞卿PLA great and later target of the Cultural Revolution
Luóbùpō罗布破Lop Nor in Xinjiang province
Nankai Middle School天津南开中学Famed school where Zhou attended
Ngo Dinh Diem吴廷琰President of South Vietnam 1955-1963
Ningxia宁夏Autonomous region in the north of China
Pao da siling bu炮打司令部Bombard the headquarters (Mao’s first Big character poster)
Peng Dehuai彭德怀Great military hero of the PRC, former defense minister
Peng Zhen彭真Chinese leader and one of the Eight Immortals
Qian Sanqiang钱三强Great nuclear physicist
Qinghai青海Province in western China
riyongpin日用品Daily use items
Sanxian jianshe三线建设The Third Front Movement
Sichuan四川Province in China also known as Szechwan
Song Qingling宋庆龄Wife of Sun Yat-sen, later a stateswoman of the PRC
Sun Bingwen孙炳文Early CCP martyr, father of Sun Weishi
Sun Weishi孙维世Adopted daughter of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao
Tan Zhenlin谭震林Another PLA great
Tianjin天津Municipality just east of Beijing
Wang Guangmei王光美Wife of Liu Shaoqi
Wang Tiecheng王铁成Chinese actor famous for his portrayals of Zhou Enlai
Wenhui Bao文汇报The Wenhui Bao, a Shanghai newspaper
Whampoa Military Academy中华民国陆军军官学校Military academy located in Guangzhou
Wu Han吴晗Ming dynasty expert, Beijing vice-mayor
Wuhan武汉City in Hubei on the Yangzi consisting of the cities of Hankou, Wuchang and Hanyang
Xiao Xiangrong肖向荣Whampoa Military Academy grad, old revolutionary, Luo Ruiqing ally.
Xinjiang新疆Autonomous region in China’s northwest
Xu Xiangqian徐向前Another PLA great
Yang Shangkun杨尚昆Chinese leader and one of the Eight Immortals
Yangzi扬子江The Yangtze River
Yao Wenyuan姚文元One of the Gang of Four
Ye Qun叶群PLA colonel and wife of Lin Biao
Yunnan云南Province in southwest China
Zhong Fa中发A Central Directive, like an executive order
Zhongnanhai中南海China’s top leadership compound adjacent to the Forbidden City
Zhou Enlai周恩来China’s beloved premier and statesman
Zhou Enlai de Sige Zhouye周恩来的四个昼夜Movie called “The Story of Zhou Enlai”
Zhu De朱德PLA founder and legendary general


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Ep. 168 | Zhou Enlai (Part 8)


Ep. 166 | Zhou Enlai (Part 6)