Ep. 221 | The History of Tang Poetry (Part 4)

Li Bai is showcased in this fourth installment of Laszlo’s not very deep dive into the history of Tang poetry. We’re still in the High Tang period of Chinese poetry. This episode will focus more on Li Bai’s story (and legend) rather than an in-depth analysis of his poetry. He, along with several other poets from this time are cultural icons and treasures of the Chinese people.

As always, please check the links and resources below for other scholarly and biographical info on Li Bai, Du Fu and other great Tang poets. This episode is especially geared towards those CHP listeners who may have never heard these names before.

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Terms in Episode

Bái Jūyì白居易Lived 772-846, great Tang poet and scholar-official. We'll get to him later in the series
báijiǔ白酒Chinese wine (made from rice, sorghum and other ingredients)
Cháng’ān长安Ancient capital of more than a few dynasties/ Present day Xian
Chéngdū成都Capital of Sichuan province
Chūn yè Luòchéng wén dí春夜洛城闻笛Li Bai's poem, "Hearing a Bamboo Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang"
Cài Yuánpéi蔡元培Fluent Esperanto speaker, President of Peking University, Academia Sinica founder, key figure in the May Fourth Movement. Lived 1868-1940
Dù Fǔ杜甫One of the greatest poets in Chinese history, lived 712-770. Will be featured in the next episode
Dāngtú County当涂县County just south of Ma'anshan, Anhui province. Li Bai's tomb is located there
Emperor Sùzōng唐肃宗Son of Emperor Xuanzong. He was the emperor on duty for most of the An Lushan Rebellion. Reigned 756-762
Emperor Xuánzōng唐玄宗Also known as Emperor Ming of Tang, reigned 690-705, a total of 43 years
Guìzhōu贵州Scenic province out in the western part of China
Guō Zǐyí郭子仪Lived 697-781. The Tang general usually credited with putting down the An Lushan Rebellion
Gāo Lìshì高力士Powerful eunuch who worked for Emperor Xuanzong
Gāozōng高宗Third Tang dynasty emperor. Reigned 649-683
Huánghè Lóu Sòng Mèng Hàorán zhī Guǎnglíng黃鶴樓送孟浩然之廣陵Li Bai's poem "Sending off Mèng Hàorán at Yellow Crane Tower"
Hànlín Yuàn翰林院The Hanlin Academy
Jiāngyóu江油City located northeast of Chengdu in Sichuan
Jiǔ Zhōng Bā Xiān酒中八仙The Eight Immortals of the Wine Cup
Jìng Yè Sī靜夜思The Li Bai poem, "Thoughts on a Still Night"
Kāiyuán Era开元盛世The second era of Xuanzong's reign, 713-741. Also referred to in poetry as the period of the High Tang
Luòyáng洛阳One of China's ancient capitals, located in Henan province
Lǐ Bái / Lǐ Bó / Lǐ Tàibái李白 / 李伯 / 李太白One of the greatest poets and certainly the most famous one in China. Lived 701-762
Ancient state located in southern Shandong. Qi was to the north, together these two states made up Shandong province
Mèng Hàorán孟浩然689/691-740 Tang poet, right up there with the greatest of them all. Moree on Meng Haoran in Part 6
Mǎ’ānshān马鞍山Major city in Anhui province
Nánjīng南京Ancient and historic city on the Yangzi River
Ri Haku / Ri Taihaku李白 / 李太白The Japanese names for Li Bai
Shānxī province山西省Northern province in China. Capital is Taiyuan
Shāqiū chéngxià jì Dù Fǔ沙丘城下寄杜甫Li Bai's poem, "A Poem Sent to Dù Fǔ Below Shāqiū City"
Shěn Kuò沈括Lived 1031-1095. One of China's greatest polymaths. Scientist, statesman, artist and poet.
Suìyè碎叶The former ancient city of Suyab located in present-day Kyrgyzstan
Tài Bái Mù太白幕Lǐ Bái Tomb, located in Dangtu County, Anhui
Tàizōng太宗Tang Dynasty co-founder. Reigned 626-649
Wǔ Zétiān武则天Also known as Empress Wu, the only woman to rule China as emperor in her own name
wǔshù武术Martial Arts
Yáng Guìfēi杨贵妃Lived 719-756. Very influential imperial consort to Emperor Xuanzong. The An Lushan Rebellion is partially blamed on her
Yùzhēn Gōngzhǔ玉真公主Princess Yùzhēn, sister to Emperor Xuanzong
Yěláng野狼City in Guizhou where Li Bai was banished to
Zhúxī Dàyì竹溪大逸The Six Idlers of the Bamboo Brook
Zēng Guófān曾国藩Qing era Chinese statesman, scholar and miltary man who is credited with supressing the Taiping Rebellion. Lived 1811-1872
Ān Lùshān安禄山Lived 703-757. One-time favorite of Emperor Tang Xuanzong but later instigated a rebellion that caused death to millions of innocents
Ōuyáng Xiū欧阳修Northern Song era scholar/official, calligrapher, historian, poets and a whole lot more. He was featured in CHP episode 71




The Sinica Podcast by Kaiser Kuo & Jeremy Goldkorn

The Last Tribe on Earth by Anthony Tao & Liane Halton - A wonderful combination of music and poetry by two talented artists.

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Ep. 222 | The History of Tang Poetry (Part 5)


Ep. 220 | The History of Tang Poetry (Part 3)