Ep. 219 | The History of Tang Poetry (Part 2)

In Part 2 Laszlo will finish up an overview of pre-Tang poetry and show where everything went from the Classic of Poetry and Songs of Chu.  Fu rhapsodies, Yue Fu poetry, and the works from the Jian’an era will be introduced. 

Tang poetry didn’t arise out of anything.  It was the collective genius and creativity of all these pre and post-Qin Chinese literati who built the foundation that the Tang masters built on.

Please come back for Part 3 where we’ll finally get to the early Tang.

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Terms in Episode

Bān Gù班固Writer of great fu poetry but better known as the compiler of The Book of Han
Chángshā长沙Present day capital of Hunan province
Cháng’ān长安Ancient capital of more than a few dynasties/ Present day Xian
Chìbì Fù赤壁赋Two great Fu poems by Su Shi that marked the watershed battle in ancient Chinese history in 208 CE
Chǔ Cí楚辞the Songs of Chǔ the Verses of Chǔ
Chǔ State楚国Warring States kingdom that ran from 403 to 227 BCE
Chǔcí Zhāngjù楚辞章句The received version of the Songs of Chǔ that we read in our day
Cáo Cāo曹操All-time legendary great from Chinese history. Lived 155-220 CE
Cáo Pī曹丕Lived from around 187-226. Son of Cao Cao and the founder of the Cao Wei Dynasty
Cáo Zhí曹植Lived from 192-232. Brother to Cao Pi, son to Cao Cao
A form of poetry often translated as "lyric poetry"
Diào Qū Yuán Fù吊屈原赋Lament for Qū Yuán, a Fu poem by Jia Yi
Dù Fǔ杜甫Another famous Tang poet. We'll get to him in Part 5.
Emperor Shùn汉顺帝Seventh emperor of the Eastern Han. Reigned 125-144
Emperor Wǔ of Liáng梁武帝Liang Dynasty founder, reigned 502-549. Great patron of arts and letters
Also referred to as rhapsodies . More about the Fu genre next episode
Fúniǎo Fù赋鸟赋“On the Owl”, one of Jia Yi's other great Fu masterpieces
Guò Qín Lùn过秦论“Disquisition Finding Fault with Qin” also by Jia Yi
Guō Màoqiàn郭茂倩Compiler of the definitive anthology on Yuefu poetry. It contained almost 5,300 Yuefu poems.
Gǔ Shī古诗the old classical stuff told in a style more inline with the times. The verses were five characters long and later seven.
Gǔ Shī Shíjiǔ Shǒu古诗十九首“Nineteen Ancient Poems”
Han Dynasty汉朝Ran from 202 BCE to 220 CE
Han Emperor Wén汉武帝Fourth son of the founder Gāozǔ. Reigned 180-157 BCE
Han Emperor Āi汉哀帝Han emperor who reigned 7 to 1 BCE. No a big patron of the arts and letters
Han Xiàn emperor汉献帝Final emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, reigned 189-220
Heisei Era平成时代The Imperial Era Name of Japanese Emperor Akihito from Jan 8, 1989 to April 30, 2019
Hàn Gāozǔhan gao zuHan founding emperor, reigned 202 to 195 BCE
Jiàn’ān建安The final era of the Han Dynasty and final era of the final emperor. It ran from 196 to 220
Jiàn’ān Fēnggǔ建安风骨The style of Jian'an poetry
Jiàn’ān Qīzǐ建安七子Seven Scholars of Jiàn’ān, men of the day who received the highest acclaim for their literary achievements during Cáo Pī’s reign
Jiǎ Yì贾谊Writer, poet, politician from Western Han. Lived 200-169 BCE. A pioneer in the new style of Fu poetry
Jī Kāng嵇康Lived 223-262. Chinese writer, poet, Daoist philosopher, musician and alchemist of the Three Kingdoms period. He was one of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove
Luoyang洛阳One of China's ancient capitals, located in Henan province.
Lí Sāo离骚Qu Yuan's masterpiece, Li Sao, "Encountering Sorrow"
Líu Zhēn刘桢Scholar anf poet of the Eastern Han, lived from 180-217. One of the Seven Scholars of Jian'an
Lǐ Bái李白Famous Tang poet. We'll get to him in Part 4.
Mùlán花木兰Before becoming a Disney sensation, this story of Hua Mulan was told in a Yue fu poem
Qiánlóng乾隆Qing Dynasty emperor, reigned 1735-1796
Qín Shǐhuáng秦始皇The first Qin Emperor, unifier of ancient China
Qū Yuán屈原Chu poet and official who lived from around 340 to 278 BCE
Reiwa Era令和时代The new Japanese Imperial Era name that will commence with the accession of Prince Naruhito to the throne.
Ruǎn Jí阮籍One of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. Poet and musician of the Eastern Han. Lived 210-263
Ruǎn Yǔ阮瑀one of the Seven Scholars of Jiàn’ān. Father of Ruan Ji.
Shī-Sāo诗骚The poetry of the Book of Odes and the Songs of Chu
Shījīng诗经The Book of Odes, Book of Songs, the Classic of Poetry
Sòng Huīzōng宋徽宗Northern Song emperor, great patron of the arts and letters. reigned 1100-1126. Came to a bad end.
Sīmǎ Qiān司马迁Han Dynasty historian. Lived around 145 to 86 BCE
Sīmǎ Xiāngrú司马相如Lived during Western Han around 179-117 BCE. Chinese poet, writer, musician, and politician. They love him in Chengdu
Sū Shì / Sū Dōngpō苏轼 / 苏东坡One of the all-time greats in Chinese history, He was a little big of everything and great at whatever he did. Featured in CHP episode 175
Táng Xuánzōng唐玄宗Tang emperor whose reign was called the High Tang (as far as poetry goes). He reigned 713-756
Wáng Càn王粲One of the Seven Scholars of Jian'an, Eastern Han scholar, official and poet
Wáng Wéi王维Another famous Tang poet. We'll get to him in Part 5.
Wén Xǔan文选“Selected Works” This was the most important literary source for students and scholars during the Tang and for many years after.
Wǔ yán shī五言诗Five Character Poems pentasyllabic-line verse
Yuè Fǔ乐府The Music Bureau and the poetry that was in the style of the Music Bureau
Yuèfǔ Shījí乐府诗集The name of the anthology written by Guo Maoqian
Yáng Xióng杨雄Lived from 53 BCE–18 CE. Chinese poet, philosopher, and politician of the Han dynasty known for his philosophical writings and fu poetry
Yèchéng邺城modern day Hándān 邯郸 in Hebei Province
Yī Shì zhī xióng一世之雄a hero for the age.
Zhou Dynasty周朝Ancient Chinese dynasty ran 1046 to 771 BCE
Zhúlín Qī Xián竹林七贤Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove



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Ep. 220 | The History of Tang Poetry (Part 3)


Ep. 218 | The History of Tang Poetry (Part 1)