Ep. 181 | The Early Years of Sino-Russian Relations

After more than 40 days of wandering in the desert, Laszlo is back with a topic that languished on the list for more than six years. At last, the early years of Russia-China relations can see the light of day (here at the CHP that is).

As you can see, this is another one of those hour-plus episodes that were not long enough for two episodes and a bit overly long for one. Basically, this covers the beginnings back in the late Ming when they first met and mostly in the Qing where all the history happened.

This isn’t a particularly deep dive on the subject. I first give you a 走马看花 view of the history of Russia’s expansion east and how they ended up on the doorstep of Manchuria. Hope you don’t mind.

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Terms in Episode

Aìhún瑷珲Now called Heihe, formerly called Aigun, site of the signing of the Treaty of Aigun
Chuānbí Cǎoyuē穿鼻草约Convention of Chuenbi, signed 1841, never ratified
Guǎngdōng广东Southern province in China
Hóng Xiùquán洪秀全Rebel leader responsible for the Taiping Rebellion
Hēihé黑河City in northeast Manchuria (Heilongjiang) formerly known as Aigun
Hēilóng Jiāng黑龙江The Black Dragon River (The Amur, and name of Heilongjiang Province)
Hǔmén虎门Located on “The Bogue” in Guangdong, site where Lin Zexu burned the opium
Ili (Yīlí)伊犁Town, valley and river name at the northwest border of Xinjiang – Kazakhstan
Jiāyùguān嘉峪关The western terminus of the Great Wall of China
Jīntián, Guangxi广西金田Place where the Taiping Rebellion was launched
Kāngxī康熙Long reigning Qing Emperor, 1661-1722
Li-Lobanov Treaty中俄密约(known as the Zhōng É Mìyuē ), signed 1896
Liáodōng Bàndǎo辽东半岛Liaotung Peninsula, the tip of peninsular Liaoning Province
Lín Zéxú林则徐Chinese hero who stood up to the foreign traders and torched their opium
Lóngqìng隆庆Ming Dynasty Emperor (1567-1572)
Lüshunkou旅顺口Also known as Port Arthur, located at the tip of the Liaodong Peninsula
Lǐ Hóngzhāng里鸿章Co-signer of the Li-Lobanov Treaty), Chinese diplomat and statesman
Lǚ Dà Zūdì Tiáoyuē旅大租地条约Convention for the Lease of the Liaotung Peninsula at Dalian (大连)
Míng Dynasty明朝Second to last dynasty in Chinese Imperial history 1368-1644
Northern Sòng北宋The first half of the Song Dynasty, lasted from 960-1126
Pǔyí溥仪The Last Emperor, a.k.a. The Xuantong Emperor, reigned 1908-1912
Qing Dynasty清朝Last imperial dynasty in China 1644-1912
Qiánlóng乾隆Another long reigning Qing emperor, 1735-1796
Qíshàn琦善Manchu diplomat also forced to sign unequal treaties
Qīngdǎo青岛Scenic city in Shandong, once a German concession
Shùn Zhì顺治First emperor of the Qing Dynasty, 1643-1661
Songgotu (Suǒ’étú)索额图Manchu diplomat during the reign of Kangxi
Treaty of Nanjing南京条约The marquee “Unequal Treaty” signed in 1842
Tàipíng Rebellion太平天国运动A bloody Rebellion and Civil War all in one, 1850-1864
Wànlì万里Son of Longqing Emperor, reigned a long time 1572-1620
Wēihǎiwèi威海卫Another scenic city in Shandong, once a British concession, today known simply as Weihai 威海
Xīnjiāng新疆Autonomous Region in the northwest of China, formerly referred to as Chinese Turkestan
Yìshān奕山Manchu diplomat who was forced into signing the Treaty of Aigun
Zuǒ Zōngtáng左宗棠(1812-1885) Military leader and statesman from Hunan


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Ep. 182 | The Nanjing Massacre (Part 1)


Ep. 180 | The Earliest Years of Christianity in China