Ep. 182 | The Nanjing Massacre (Part 1)

In this episode, Laszlo introduces the Nanjing Massacre, which is ab incredibly emotional, controversial, and sensitive subject for a variety of reasons. Over the next two episodes Laszlo will review material from past episodes to discuss the lead-up to the Massacre.

Then in Part 2, the actual event itself is discussed, as well as the story of the Nanjing Safety Zone and some of the foreigners who became eyewitnesses to the horrors of the Nanjing Massacre.

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Terms in Episode

General Shiro Ishii石井四郎Director of Unit 731
Joseph Mengele-The German version of Shiro Ishii
Jīnlíng金陵Ancient name of Nanjing during the Zhou Dynasty
Jīnlíng Women’s College金陵女子大学Now part of Nanjing Normal University
Nana-san-ichi Butai731部队Unit 731, based in Harbin
Nánjīng Dà Túshā南京大屠杀The Nanjing Massacre
Nánjīng Ānqúan Qū南京安全区The Nanjing Safety Zone
Okamura Yasuji岡村宁次Japanese general who led the brutal Three All’s Policy to Kill all, Burn all, Loot all
Péng Déhuái彭德怀Great PLA general and later defense minister
Shì shí qiú shì实事求是Seek truth from facts, originally from the ancient Book of Han, later made famous by Chairman Mao and then even more famous by Deng Xiaoping
Yasukuni Shrine靖国神社Shinto shrine that commemorates those who died for the Empire of Japan
Zhū Dé朱德Red Army founder



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Ep. 183 | The Nanjing Massacre (Part 2)


Ep. 181 | The Early Years of Sino-Russian Relations