Ep. 180 | The Earliest Years of Christianity in China

Many people don’t know that the first preaching of Christianity in China pre-dated the Jesuits by more than nine centuries. We’ll take a second cursory look at the Jesuits as part of a bigger story that includes Christianity in China during the Tang and Yuan dynasties. We’ll also see that prior to the arrival of Matteo Ricci, there were two other lesser-known attempts to grow Christianity in China.

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Terms in Episode

Āluóběn阿罗本Nestorian monk who visited Chang’an in 635 CE
Zhū Yuánzhāng朱元璋Ming Dynasty founder, also known as the Hongwu Emperor – reigned 1368-1398
Zhōu Gōng周公Duke of Zhou
Yōngzhèng雍正Successor to the Kangxi Emperor
Yáng Tíngyún杨廷筠One of the Three Pillars of Catholicism in China
Xīān Wénchāng Gate西安文昌门One of the ancient gates of Xian
Xīān西安Capital of Shaanxi province, location of ancient of Chang’an
Xīn Jiào新教the New religion
Xú Guāngqǐ徐光启Also known as Paul Hsu, a colleague of Matteo Ricci
Xiàmén厦门Ancient port city in Fujian
Táng Wǔzōng唐武宗Tang Emperor from 840-846
Táng Tàizōng唐太宗Taizong Emperor, formerly known as Li Shimin
Tiānzhǔjiào天主教Roman Catholicism “The religion of the Lord of Heaven”
Shùnzhì顺治1st Qing Emperor to rule over China 1643-1661
Quánzhōu泉州Another ancient port city in Fujian
Lǐ Zhīzǎo李之藻Along with Xu Guangqi and Yang Tingyun, he was one of the Three Pillars of Catholicism in China.
Lǐ Shìmín李世民2nd son of Li Yuan, the Tang founder
Luō Guànzhōng罗贯中Author of the classic novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Kāngxī康熙Successor to Shunzhi, the longest reigning Chinese emperor 1661-1722
Khanbaliq汗八里Capital of Yuan Dynasty China. Present day Beijing
Jǐngjìng景淨Christian monk who wrote the story of Alopen on the Nestorian Stele
Jǐngjiào bēi景教碑The Nestorian Stele (or Tablet)
Jǐngjiào景教Nestorian Christianity
jiàoreligion or teaching
Hóngwǔ Emperor洪武帝Zhu Yuanzhang, who came from humble beginnings and founded a dynasty.
Hàn Wǔdì汉武帝Western Han emperor from 141-87 BCE
Huáng Cháo Uprising黄巢起义Uprising lasting 881-884, weakened the Tang Dynasty.
Fùpíng County Shaanxi陕西富平县Northeast of Xian, the place where the stone came from that the Nestorian Stele was made from. Also the ancestral home of President Xi Jinping.
Fáng Xuánlíng房玄龄Chancellor under Taizong
Dōngzhèngjiào东正教Eastern Orthodox “The religion of Eastern Truth”
Dù Rúhuì杜如晦Chancellor under Taizong, colleague of Fang Xuanling
Dàqín Jǐngjiào liúxíng Zhōngguó bēi大秦景教流行中国碑“A Monument Commemorating the Propagation of the Dàqín Luminous Religion of China” or “The Story of the Coming of the Religion of Light from the West to China.”
Dàdū大都Great Capital…other name for Khanbaliq
Dorgan多尔衮Prince Regent during the reign of the Shunzhi Emperor
Cháng’ān长安Capital of Tang Dynasty China (present day Xian)
Bēilín Bówùguǎn碑林博物馆The Forest of Monuments Museum in Xian
bēia stele or stone tablet or monument.



Three Kingdoms Podcast by John Zhu

The China History Podcast - “Ep. 98 | Ricci, Schall, Verbiest”

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