Ep. 125 | Zhuge Liang

In this episode, we explore the life and times of Zhuge Liang (181-234 AD). He’s a very good example of a well-known name from Chinese history that many have heard of but aren’t quite sure why.

He lived during the Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms periods. Zhuge Liang is mostly remembered for his cleverness and many consider him right up there with Sunzi (Sun Tzu) as far as the works of strategy and military science he left behind.

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Terms in Episode

Bai River白河The river that runs through the center of Nanyang
Baozi包子Steamed bun with some sort of filling
Cao Cao曹操The main guy up in the north who ran the Kingdom of Wei
Cao Pi曹丕Son of Cao Cao, founder of Cao Wei and served as first emperor
Cao Rui曹叡Successor to Cao Pi on throne in Cao Wei
Changban长板之战Site of a battle in 208 between Cao Cao and Liu Bei. Liu Bei lost
Chen Shou陈寿Author of the Record of the Three Kingdoms
Chengyu成语Chinese idiom, proverb. Check out Laszlo's Chinese Sayings Podcast
Deng Ai邓艾One of Cao Cao’s generals
Dong Zhuo董卓Warlord of Eastern Han, seized power, assasinated by Lü Bu
Du Fu杜甫Considered the greatest or one of the greatest poets in Chinese literature. Lived during the Tang
Emperor Ling汉灵帝Eastern Han Emperor 168-189
Emperor Xian汉献帝Eastern Han Emperor, the last one, 189-220
ershisishi二十四史The Twenty-four Histories
Guan Yu关羽See CHP episode number 81 for details, one of Liu Bei’s gang
Hao hao xiansheng好好先生Someone who always sounds like he’s agreeing with you
Henan河南Province in China where much of ancient Chinese history took place
Huang Chengyan黄承颜Local scholar in Nanyang. Later became the father in law to Zhuge Liang
Huang Yueying黄月英Daughter of Huang Chengyan, wife of Zhuge Liang, famous for many things, being particularly unattractive was one of them
Huang Zhu黄柱Shu Han politician
Jiangsu江苏Province in the east
Jingzhou荆州Jing Province, one of the ancient provinces of China, where Hunan-Hubei are mostly
JunA prefect. Also called a commandery. An ancient administrative level going back to the Zhou Dynasty
Kongming孔明Zhuge Liang’s “style” or “courtesy” name
Liji礼记The Book of Rites from the Zhou Dynasty
Linyi临沂County seas of Yinan
Liu Bang刘邦Founder of the Han Dynasty, reigned as Han Gaozu
Liu Bei刘备The main guy in the west who ran the Kingdom of Shu. Zhuge Liang worked for him
Liu Biao刘表Jing Province governor, son of Han Jing Emperor, supported Liu Bei
Liu Shan刘禅Son of Liu Bei who succeeded his father as King of Shu Han
Longzhong隆中Area of Nanyang where Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion
Longzhong Dui隆中对The Longzhong Plan (to create the Kingdom of Shu and to unify China under their banner)
Luo Guanzhong罗贯中Author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Luoyang洛阳Capital of many dynasties, located in Henan
Lü Bu吕布Capricious general of the Eastern Han, murdered Dong Zhuo (and others)
ManSteamed bun
Mantou馒头Steamed bun
Meng Huo孟获Breakaway leader down in Yunnan who Zhuge Liang went down to subdue
muniu木牛The Wooden Ox (early transport vehicle, similar to a wheelbarrow it’s thought
Nanyang南阳Historic city in southern Henan
Sanguo Shidai三国时代The period of the Three Kingdoms
Sanguo Zhi三国志The Record of the Three Kingdoms
Sanshiliu Ji三十六计The Thirty-six Stratagems
Shandong山东Shandong province
Shi Ji史记The Record of the Grand Historian (by Sima Qian)
Shu蜀国The Kingdom of Shu to the west
Shu Han蜀汉The Kingdom of Shu, also called Shu Han
Shu Han Zhaolie蜀汉钊烈Title of Liu Bei
Shui Jing水镜Sima Hui’s pseudonym
Sima Hui司马绘Wise teacher in Nanyang, famous for being the one who helped arrange the intro of Liu Bei to Zhuge Liang
Sima Yan司马炎Grandson of Sima Yi, founded the Jin dynasty
Sima Yi司马懿One of Cao Cao’s generals, remembered for stopping Zhuge Liang in the north and bring the grandfather of Sima Yan
Sun Ce孙策Warlord of Eastern Wu, brother of Sun Quan
Sun Jian孙坚Eastern Wu warlord, father of Sun Quan and Sun Ce
Wancheng宛城Ancient name for Nanyang
Wei魏国The Kingdom of Wei in the north
Wolong卧龙Crouching Dragon, Zhuge Liang’s other name
Wu吴国The Kingdom of Wu to the east
Wu Xiang hou武鄉侯Marquis of Wu
Wuhan武汉Historic place in Hubei where the old Jing Province was
Wujing Zongyao武警总要Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques, written in 1044, first time gunpowder’s chemical makeup was revealed
xifan稀饭thin rice gruel
Yinan County沂南县County in southern Shandong
Yizhou益州One of the ancient provinces of China, where Sichuan is mostly
Yuan Shao袁绍Warlord, Half brother to Yuan Shu, tried to overthrow Cao Cao
Yuan Shu袁术Tried to set himself up as emperor in 197, another general of the Eastern Han
Yunnan云南Province in the south
Zhang Fei张飞One of Liu Bei’s gang
Zhang Jiao张角Rebel leader who led the Yellow Turbans
Zhongwu hou忠武侯Loyal & Warlike Marquis
Zhou Yu周瑜One of the heroes of the Battle of Red Cliffs, worked for Sun Quan
Zhuge Jin诸葛巾The kind of head dress that Zhuge Liang wore
Zhuge Xuan诸葛玄Uncle of Zhuge Liang
ZiCourtesy or style name

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