Ep. 102 | The History of Hong Kong (Part 2)

In part two of Laszlo’s overview of the history of Hong Kong, we look at the Canton System and the lead-up to hostilities that culminated in the Treaty of Nanjing that ceded Hong Kong in perpetuity to the British crown.

In this episode we’ll get as far as the Convention of Chuenpi of January 20, 1841. Here, Hong Kong was ceded to Britain but neither side was satisfied with this temporary settlement.  

In Part 3 we’ll see this Convention repudiated and hostilities will quickly resume which ultimately leads to the first of the despised (on the Chinese side anyways) unequal treaties.

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Terms in Episode

Cheung Sha Wan长沙湾A district in west Kowloon in HK
Chuanbi Caoyue穿鼻草约The Convention of Chuenpi
Haijin海禁A ban on sea trade
Lin Zexu林则徐Sent down to Canton by the emperor to deal with the opium problem
Liu Bei刘备Great warlord of the Shu State who, along with Sun Quan, defeated Cao Cao
Qishan琦善Also spelled as Keshan, imperial negotiator who faced off against Capt. Charles Elliot
Zheng Chenggong郑成功Ming dynasty loyalist and longtime thorn in the side of the Qing
Zhoushan舟山Coastal city just east of Ningbo
Zhu Yuanzhang朱元璋Ming Dynasty founder (also Hongwu Emperor)

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Ep. 103 | The History of Hong Kong (Part 3)


Ep. 101 | The History of Hong Kong (Part 1)