S1E06 | Welcome to the Jar | 请君入瓮


Saying: “To Invite the gentleman into the urn”
Pinyin: Qǐng Jūn Rù Wèng
Chinese: 请君入瓮


This week Laszlo digs up another doozie, starring some Tang Dynasty inquisitors in the employ of China’s one and only Empress to rule as the head of state.

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Terms in Episode

Chang’an长安Present day Xian, Shaanxi…but back in the Tang the place was known as Chang’an
Empress Dowager Cíxǐ Tàihòu慈禧太后The Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi (Tzu-Hsi)
Jūna gentleman
Kāng Shēng康生Chief of CCP Secret police in pre-Liberation times
Lao Zhou老周“Old” Zhou…like saying “Old Boy”
Lái Jùnchén来俊臣The Tang Dynasty Secret Police Chief
Qiū Shénjī丘神勣a General in the Tang Army
Qǐngto invite
Qǐng Jūn Rú Wèng请君入瓮To Invite the gentleman into the urn
to enter
Shénzōng神宗Song emperor from 1048-1085
Song Dynasty宋朝Chinese dynasty that ran 960-1279
Sīmǎ Guāng司马光Song Dynasty renowned scholar official, lived 1019-1086
Tang Dynasty唐朝Chinese dynasty that ran 618-907
Táng Jì唐记the Annals of Tang
Wèngearthenware vase or urn
Wǔ Zétiān武则天One-time empress of China, founder of her own “dynasty”
Zhōu Dynasty周朝Wu Zetian’s dynasty that lasted from 690-705
Zhōu Xìng周兴An official in the employ of the Tang Dynasty version of the Gong’an or Public Security Bureau
Zīzhì Tōngjiàn资治通鉴“Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance”

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S1E07 | The Entourage | 鸡鸣狗盗


S1E05 | Should I Save or Should I Throw? | 味如鸡肋