S1E07 | The Entourage | 鸡鸣狗盗


Saying: “To crow like a rooster and snatch like a dog”
Pinyin: Jīmíng Gǒudào
Chinese: 鸡鸣狗盗


A noble lord accepts an ill-fated job offer and relies on his entourage to extricate him from his situation.

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Terms in Episode

Dàoa robber, a thief or means to steal something
Gǒua dog
Hángǔ Pass函谷关A pass just outside of Sanmenxia
a chicken or rooster
Jīmíng鸡鸣the rooster’s crow
Jīmíng Gǒudào鸡鸣狗盗To crow like a rooster and snatch like a dog
King Zhāoxiāng秦昭襄王Qín king who reigned 307 to 250 BCE, great grandfather of Qín Shǐhuáng (秦始皇)
Lord Jīngyáng泾阳君King Zhaoxiang’s brother
鲁国The other state of Shandong
Mèngcháng Jūn孟尝君Powerful noble from Qi, admired by Qin
Mén Kè门客“Door Guests” or hangers on
Míngthe sound or a cry from an animal…a bird, an insect…
mǎnyuè满月Special celebration for a son’s first month
齐国One of the two principle states of Shandong Province
Qí Lǔ Liǎngguó齐鲁两国The two states of Qi and Lu
Shāndōng山东Ancient province in China
Shǎnxī陕西Ancient province in China
Shǐ Jì史记the Records of the Grand Historian
Sānménxiá三门峡City on the Yellow River located in Henan
Sīmǎ Qiān司马迁China’s most famous historian
Sīmǎ Tán司马谈Father of Sima Qian and the one who started work on the Shi Ji
Xiányáng咸阳Capital of Qin
xiǎng bànfǎ想办法Think of a way
Xīān西安Capital city of Shaanxi…site of ancient past capitals of China
Yàn Jī燕姬the king’s favorite concubine

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S1E08 | The Hu and the Hu | 狐假虎威


S1E06 | Welcome to the Jar | 请君入瓮