S1E05 | Should I Save or Should I Throw? | 味如鸡肋


Saying: “Tastes like chicken ribs”
Pinyin: Wèi Rú Jī Lèi
Chinese: 味如鸡肋


Laszlo digs up another oldie but goodie from over 1,800 years ago. Everyone has nibbled on chicken ribs at one time or another. Bon appétit mesdames et messieurs!

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Terms in Episode

Book of Wèi魏书One of the scrolls from the Record of the Three Kingdoms
Chéngyǔ成语Sayings, Idioms
Chǔ Hàn Contention楚汉战争The big final showdown between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang
Cáo Cāo曹操Chancellor to the Han Emperor and great military power in the north
Cáo Pī曹丕Son of Cao Cao who founded the Wei Kingdom
Eastern Hàn东汉The The second half of the Han Dynasty, CE 25-220
Guātián Lǐxia瓜田李下Chengyu from episode one, In the melon field and under the plum tree
Hàn Dynasty汉朝Great ancient dynasty that ran from BCE 206 – CE 220
Hànzhōng汉中City in southern Shaanxi
a chicken
Jī lèi鸡肋chicken ribs
Liú Bèi刘备The King of Shu State
Liú Bāng刘邦Founder of the Han Dynasty, a.k.a. Han Gaozu
Luó Guànzhōng罗贯中Author of the Chinese classic novel: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Línzhāng County临漳县County located in between Handan and Anyang in southern Hebei Province
like, as, or as if
Shǎnxī陕西Province in north China, capital at Xian
Shǔ蜀汉Kingdom of Shu, one of the Three Kingdoms
Sān Guó Zhì三国志The Records of the Three Kingdoms
Wèithe flavor or taste of something
Wèi曹魏Kingdom of Wei, one of the Three Kingdoms
Wèi Rú味如the taste is like or this tastes as if…..
Wèi Rú Jī Lèi味如鸡肋Tastes like chicken ribs
孙吴Kingdom of Wu, one of the Three Kingdoms
Xiàng Yǔ项羽The Overlord of Chu who rose to power after the fall of the Qin
Yáng Xiū杨修Ill-fated advisor to Cao Cao who lived CE 175-219
Yèchéng邺城an ancient district in Hebei, present day Línzhāng County.

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S1E06 | Welcome to the Jar | 请君入瓮


S1E04 | A Lousy Place to Fish | 缘木求鱼