Ep. 82 | The History of China-India Relations

Firstly, Laszlo apologizes in advance for the horrific pronunciation of all terms Hindi.

This week the topic is the history behind Sino-Indian relations. This is an extremely emotive, complex, and sometimes incendiary topic, conveniently encapsulated in an easy to digest half-hour episode.

The long history of Chinese-Indian Relations is overwhelmingly one of peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, and benefit. Only in the past century have challenges presented themselves that occasionally brought the two great civilizations into conflict.

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Terms in Episode

Pengtoushan彭头山Early Neolithic Culture in China
Peiligang裴李岗Early Neolithic Culture in China
Cishan磁山Early Neolithic Culture in China
Hemudu河姆渡Early Neolithic Culture in China
Yangshao仰韶Early Neolithic Culture in China
Longshan龙山Early Neolithic Culture in China
Fuxi伏羲First of the mythical Three Sovereigns of China
YaoOne of the mythical Five Emperors of China
ShunThe last of the Five Emperors who passed the throne to Yu the Great, founder of the Xia
Harappan Culture-Ancient culture in India app. 3300-1300BC, covered NW India, all of Pakistan and part of Afghanistan
Mohenjo-Daro-Ancient Indus River Valley civilization (2600BC)
Yu the Great大禹Founder of the Xia Dynasty
XiaFirst dynasty of China, though no solid evidence uncovered yet to prove its existence
ShangFirst documented dynasty in China (Bronze Age in China)
ZhouSecond Bronze Age Dynasty, followed the Shang
Laozi老子a.k.a Lao-tzu, Wrote the Dao De JIng
Ashoka the Great阿育王One of the greatest rulers of India (304-232 BC)
Siddhartha Gautama释迦牟尼The Buddha
Qin Shihuang秦始皇First emperor of China
Zhang Qian张骞Great explorer during the Han Dynasty
Shendu身毒Ancient name of India
Daxia大夏Kingdom known as Bactria, in present day Afghanistan
Faxian法显Early Buddhist pilgrim to India
Xuanzang玄奘Tang Dyansty monk who made a famous pilgrimage to India
Mathura, Kanaui, Kapilavastu, Kushinagar, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kashi, Rajgir-Ancient cities in India whose pronunciation Laszlo butchered
Zheng He郑和Great Ming Dynasty explorer
Daoguang道光Emperor during the Opium War
Xianfeng先锋Emperor during the misery years of the Qing
Aksai Chin阿克塞钦Disputed territory right on the westernmost border of Xinjiang and Tibet
Arunachal Pradesh啊鲁纳恰尔邦The other disputed territory (between Bhutan and Myanmar)

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