Ep. 227 | The Seven Great Singing Stars of Shanghai (Part 2)

In this second part of the series Laszlo and special guest, SpunCounterGuy introduce Bai Hong, Bai Guang, Gong Qiuxia, and Wu Yingyin.  These four superstars of that golden era of music and entertainment left behind a string of hits that still inspires feelings of nostalgia and reminiscence of those days gone by. 

Yao Li, who sadly passed away recently on July 19, 2019, as well as Li Xianglan and Zhou Xuan will be covered in Part 3.

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Bái Guāng白光27 June 1921 – 27 August 1999, One of the Seven Great Singing Stars of 1930's-40's Shanghai
Bái Hóng白虹1920–1992, One of the Seven Great Singing Stars of 1930's-40's Shanghai
Bái Lìzhū白丽珠Bai Hong's birth name
Bái Yáng白杨One of the top movie actresses of the 1930's
Bíyīn Gēhòu鼻音歌后The Queen of the Nasal Voice
Běipíng Sān Bái北平三白The Three Bai's of Beiping
Dà Jié大姐Big Sister
Děngzhě Nǐ Huílái等着你回来Famous Bai Guang song.
Dī Yīn Gēhòu低音歌后The Queen of the Low Voice, Bai Guang
Fèngyáng County凤阳县County in Anhui Province
Guìzhōu贵州Province in west China
Gù Shùnzhāng顾顺章1903-1934, CCP Secret Police chief and spy. Captured by teh KMT. Spilled the beans
Gōng Qiūxiá龚秋霞The oldest of the Seven Great Singing Stars of 1930's-40's Shanghai. December 4, 1916 to September 7, 2004
Gōng Shāshā龚莎莎Gong Qiuxia's birth name
Hóngwǔ emperor洪武帝Founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, reigned 1368-1398
Jiang Qing江青1914-1991, wife of Chairman Mao and Gang of Four Member
Jǐnjiāng Hotel锦江大饭店Hotel in Shanghai
Luō Jìngyǔ罗静予Husband of Li Lili
Lán Píng蓝萍Means "Blue Apple," Jiang Qing's stage name
Lánxīn Dàxìyuàn兰心大戏院The Lyceum Theater in Shanghai
Lí Jǐnguāng黎锦光Younger brother and long-time collaborator of Li Jinhui
Lí Jǐnhūi黎锦晖5 September 1891 – 15 February 1967, Called the Father of Chinese Popular Music
Lí Lìlì黎莉莉1915-2005, Chinese singing star and movie actress
Lí Mínghūi黎明晖Daughter of Li Jinhui and China's first pop singer
Lǐ Shūméng李淑蒙Jiang Qing's name
Lǐ Xiānglán李香兰12 February 1920 – 7 September 2014, One of the Seven Great Singing Stars of 1930's-40's Shanghai. Known in Japan as Yamaguchi Yoshiko
Máo Máo Yǔ毛毛雨"Drizzle" The first Chinese pop song, sung by Li Minghui
Míngyùe Gēwǔtuán明月歌舞团Lí Jǐnhùi’s Bright Moon Song & Dance Ensemble
Nánjīng南京Capital of Jiangsu province and capital of China a few times in history
Qián Zhuàngfēi钱壮飞1895-1935, Father of LiLili, CCP secret agent and revolutionary hero
Qī Dà Gēxīng七大歌星The Seven Great Singing Stars
Qū Qiūbái瞿秋白1899-1935, Early CCP leader
Shǐ Yǒngfēn史永芬Bai Guang's birth name
tèdiǎn特点Special thing about someone
Wú Jiànqiū吴剑秋Wu Yingyin's birth name
Wú Yīngyīn吴莺音June 23, 1922 – December 17, 2009, One of the Seven Great Singing Stars of 1930's-40's Shanghai
Wǔhàn武汉Capital of Hubei Province
Xiāng jiàn bù hèn wǎn相见不恨晚“It’s not too late to meet each other”
Xīn Fèngyáng Míngē新凤阳民歌New Fengyang Folk Song
Yáo Lì姚莉Born September 1922, also known as Nancy Yao Lee, One of the Seven Great Singing Stars of 1930's-40's Shanghai. She passed away July 19, 2019
Zhēnzhēn蓁蓁Li Lili's first name
Zhōu Xuán周旋August 1, 1920 – September 22, 1957, One of the Seven Great Singing Stars of 1930's-40's Shanghai
Zhōu Ēnlái周恩来1898-1976, China's premier from 1949 to 1976



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Ep. 228 | The Seven Great Singing Stars of Shanghai (Part 3)


Ep. 226 | The Seven Great Singing Stars of Shanghai (Part 1)