Ep. 207 | The Forgotten Chinese Labour Corps

In commemoration of the American Labor Day Holiday, Laszlo brings you a rather forgotten tale from the annals of Chinese modern history.  As discussed in previous CHP episodes, the Chinese Labour Corps played a thankless but critical role in the allied victory over Germany in WWI. 

Who could have predicted the series of events that would happen as a result of the story of these men and the subsequent peace treaty that didn’t recognize them or their country?  When it was over in early 1919, the Chinese people woke up and took appropriate action. 

From everyone here at the CHP, we wish you all a Happy Labor Day!

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Terms in Episode

Běiyáng Government北洋政府The Beijing-based government of Republican China from 1912-1928
Dūjiāngyàn都江堰An amazing ancient engineering project that brought irrigation to the Sichuan plain.
Guǎngxī广西Province in SW China just west of Guangdong
Liáng Shìyí梁士诒1869-1933, Chinese politician and government figure, premier of China during the Beiyang Government
liúfāng bǎishì流芳百世A good reputation endures forever
Lǐ Shízēng李石曾1881-1973 Among other things created the Work Study Movement in France to aid Chinese workers and immigrants
màizhūzāi卖猪仔"Pigs that are sold", an abusive term given to these CLC workers
Nánjīng南京Capital of Jiangsu province and the Republic of China for a while
Qīngdǎo青岛Scenic port city on the Shandong coast
Shāndōng山东Coastal province in north China
suī sǐ yóu shēng雖死猶生Though dead he still liveth
Sìchuān四川Province in SW China
Tiānjìn天津Port city about an hour east of Beijing
Wēihǎiwèi威海卫City in Shandong, known today at Weihai
Yuán Shìkǎi袁世凯1859-1916, Qing and early Republican era military and government official.
Yūnnán云南Province in SW China.
yǒngwǎng zhíqián勇往直前A noble duty bravely done
Zhì sǐ zhōngchéng至死忠誠Faithful unto death
Zhōngguó láogōng lǚ中国劳工旅The Chinese Labour Corps
Zhōu Ènlái周恩来Premier of China and a former student / worker / organizer in France in the early 20's



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Ep. 208 | The History of the Jewish Refugees in China (Part 1)


Ep. 206 | Robert van Gulik and Judge Dee