Ep. 178 | William Mesny (Part 2)

In Part 2 of this series examining the forgotten life of William Mesny, we hear the second half of his story in China. We’re mostly using author David Leffman’s 2016 book The Mercenary Mandarin: How a British Adventurer Became a General in Qing-Dynasty China.

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Terms in Episode

Cháng’ān长安Present day Xian in Shaanxi Province
Chéngdū成都The capital city of Sichuan province
Cána silk-worm
Cán Nǎina蚕奶奶The Goddess of Silkworms
Dèng Xiǎopíng邓小平Chairman of China Bridge Association and great Chinese leader during 20th century
Fújiàn福建Province in China
Huángdì黄帝The Yellow Emperor
Huāxià华夏The collective tribes that made up ancient core Han Chinese civilization
Hàn Wǔdì汉武帝Great Western Han Dynasty emperor
Hétián和田Formerly called Khotan…a great trading kingdom in present day Xinjiang
Jìn Dynasty晋朝Dynasty in China: 265-420 CE
Léi Zǔ嫘祖Other name of Xi Ling Shi by which she is more commonly known
Lǐ Jì礼记Book of Rites
Míng Dynasty明朝Second to the last dynasty…1368-1644
Nánjīng南京Capital city of Jiangsu province
nǚgōng女红the feminine arts
Qiánlóng乾隆Emperor during the heyday of the Qing Dynasty, 1735-1796
Qiánshānyàng钱山漾town at the south end of Lake Tai near Húzhōu
Qīng Dynasty清朝The last imperial dynasty in China – 1644-1911
Qīngtaí清台村Village in the northwest corner of Zhengzhou on the south bank of the Yellow River
Shén Nóng神农The Divine Farmer, god of agriculture and many other things
Shāng Dynasty商朝China’s first “official dynasty,” lasted from 1600 to 1046 BCE
Shānxī province山西省Province in China
Shǐ Jì史记Records of the Grand Historian
Suí隋朝Dynasty in China from 581-618
Sòng Dynasty宋朝Dynasty in China….960-1279
Sūzhōu苏州City in Jiangsu Province
Táng唐朝Dynasty in China 618-907
Wǔyí Mountains武夷山Mountains in northern Fujian where some of the best tea in the world comes from
Xià County夏县County in south Shanxi on the border with Henan
Xī Líng Shì西陵氏The discoverer of silk and the primary wife of the Yellow Emperor
Yángshuò County阳朔县One of the great sightseeing centers of China, near Guilin
Yǎngsháo Wenhua仰韶文化Yangshao Culture in China..5000 to 3000 BCE more or less
Zhèngzhōu郑州City in Henan
Zhāng Qiān张骞Great Western Han Dynasty adventurer, instrumental in getting the Silk Road up and running
Ānhuì安徽Province in China



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Ep. 179 | The Ancient History of Silk


Ep. 177 | William Mesny (Part 1)