Ep. 117 | John Service (Part 3)

This week’s episode runs way into overtime but at least we’re getting through to the end of 1944. The Dixie Mission is in full swing by the end of that year. John Service has established himself in Washington circles as one of the most informed and dynamic China hands.

But there are those who don’t welcome his glowing reports of the Communists and damning news about the Nationalist government. As WWII enters its final year, new battle lines are being drawn that will pit pro-Communist against anti-Communist and this battle will ultimately lead to the Cold War.

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Terms in Episode

Patrick Hurley-Succeeded Clarence Gauss as Ambassador to China during the latter half of the War
Andrew Roth-Will feature prominently in Part 4. He introduced Jack service to a lot of people
Brooks Atkinson-Former writer for the New York Times
Chen Yi陈毅One of Mao’s generals and another key person in PRC history
Chengdu成都Capital of Sichuan province, birthplace of John Service
Chiang Kai-shek蒋介石KMT leader, military strongman and wartime president of China
Chongqing重庆Municipality in China that once was part of Sichuan. Served as the wartime capital of China after the Nationalists were chased out of Nanjing and Hankou.
Chuck Hagel-USA Defense Secretary
Clarence Gauss-Long-serving US diplomat in China. Appointed ambassador to China (in Chungking) during the the early war years. Resigned in disgust at the firing of Stilwell.
Col. David Barrett-Long serving US military man in China, headed the Dixie Mission
FDR-Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer-Replaced Stilwell as commander of US forces in China
Harry Hopkins-One of Roosevelt’s closest advisors
Heimingdan黑名单Black List
Henry Luce-China-born publisher of two of the most influential American magazines of their day, Time and Life. Chiang Kai-shek’s most valuable supporter in the US.
Henry Wallace-FDR’s Vice President, led the Wallace Mission
Ji Chaoding-Lived upstairs from Service and Adler, a CCP propagandist and mole in Chongqing
Jiang Qing江青Mao’s last wife who came to Yan’an in 1937
John Carter Vincent-Another China Hand and Foreign Service officer based in DC
John Paton Davies-Childhood friend of John Service and fellow China Hand and Foreign Service officer
John Stewart Service-China Hand, Foreign Service officer
Joseph Stilwell-US Army Four-star general. A legend in his own time. The bete noir of Chiang Kai-shek.
Lauchlin Currie-A White House economic advisor and aide-de-camp to Franklin Roosevelt
Li Dazhao李大钊Former CCP founder along with Chen Duxiu (陈独秀)
Lin Biao林彪One of Mao’s generals and another key person in PRC history
Lin Zuhan林祖涵Also called Lin Boqu (林伯渠). Early CCO member who flew up to Yan’an with Hurley from Chongqing
Madame Chiang (Song Meiling)宋美龄Soong Mei-ling (Hurley called her Madame Shek!)
Sol Adler-U.S. Treasury Dept official, Jack Service’s roommate in Chongqing, later accused of being a Soviet spy
T.V. Soong宋子文Brother of Madame Chiang and an all round KMT stalwart and CKS aide
Tai Li (Dai Li)戴笠Called China’s Himmler…. He was Chiang Kai-shek’s chief of secret police
Theodore White白修德Immortal American writer, historian and journalist. Got the word out to American about the Henan Famine.
Tongchuang Yimeng同床异梦Same bed but different dreams
Xi Jinping习近平CCP Party Decretary and Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman
Ye Jianying叶剑英One of Mao’s generals and a key person in PRC history
Zhu De朱德Mao’s earliest comrade and PLA Founder


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Ep. 118 | John Service (Part 4)


Ep. 116 | John Service (Part 2)