Ep. 109 | The History of Hong Kong (Part 9)

Welcome back to Part 9 of our History of Hong Kong overview.

In this week’s episode, we look at the year 1967 in Hong Kong. The words “riots” and “1967” go hand in hand when talking about Hong Kong history. Although the events that went down between May and December of 1967 caused death, mayhem, and destruction throughout the territory, when it was all over it led to a sea change in labor rights for Hong Kong workers.

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Terms in Episode

Dixia Tielu Gongsi地下铁路公司The MTRC, Mass Transit Railway Corp. One of the ultimate subways and railroads
Fanling粉岭Fanling in the north New Territories
Gonghe Xinxi恭贺新禧Another traditional New Year Greeting in China
Gongxi Facai恭喜发财In Cantonese: Kung Hey Fat Choy. Traditional NY greeting in HK.
Huang Hua黄华China’s Foreign Minister during the opening up years
Ji Pengfei姬鹏飞Head of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office. Played major role leading to the handover.
Kwun Tong官塘District in east Kowloon, for many years the last stop on the green line
Li Ka-shing李嘉诚HK’s greatest success story and Chaozhou’s pride!
Li Xiannian李先念One of the eight immortals. Military and political great. One of the good ones!
Li Zhuming李柱铭Martin Lee, HK’s most famous liberal and promoter of democracy. Also a lawyer of well repute.
Lianzheng Gongshu廉政公署The ICAC, Independant Commission Against Corruption
Lu Ping鲁平Succeeded Ji Pengfei as head of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office
Sha Tin沙田Sha Tin in the New Territories
Shek Kip Mei石硖尾Shek Kip Mei, site of the Christmas fire in 1953, located in northern Kowloon
Sheung Shui上水Sheung Shui in the north New Territories
Shouson Chow周壽臣egendary businessman and early bridge between the west and China. Shouson Hill in HK named after him.
Tai Po大埔Tai Po in the New Territories
Tang Shiu-kin邓肇坚Grandfather of David Tang. Entrepreneur from the early days and noted philanthropist
Tuen Mun屯门Tuen Mun in the western New Territories
Tung Chee Wha董建华HK’s first Chief Executive and former OOCL boss
Wanshi Ruyi万事如意Another lucky saying basically saying may you have good fortune in everything.
Xu Jiatun许家屯Former Director of Xinhua in HK during the leadup to the handover. Succeeded by the unforgettable Zhou Nan.
Y.K. Pao包玉刚Ningbo’s pride! Entrepreneur who escaped chaos in China. Became the greatest shipping tycoon of his age. Played behind the scenes role during the handover period.
Yiguo liangzhi一国两制One Country Two Systems
Zhao Ziyang赵紫阳Former Party Secretary and Premier and controversial historic person since May 19, 1989
Zhaoshangju Jituan招商局集团China Merchants Group

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Ep. 110 | The History of Hong Kong (Part 10)


Ep. 108 | The History of Hong Kong (Part 8)