Ep. 104 | The History of Hong Kong (Part 4)

We continue this overview series on the history of Hong Kong. This time we pick up right after the Treaty of Nanjing and look at the early efforts to get this colony up and running.

The first couple decades of Crown Colony of Hong Kong weren’t easy and many considered throwing in the towel early.

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Terms in Episode

Alexander Robert Johnston-(Served as Administrator only)
Prince Gong恭亲王Half brother to Xianfeng Emperor, 6th son of Daoguang Emperor. Longtime statesman and diplomat for the Qing emperor.
Sir Charles Elliot-(Served as Administrator only)
Sir George Bonham-3rd governor of Hong Kong, serving 1848-1854
Sir Henry Pottinger-1st governor of Hong Kong, 1843-1844
Sir Hercules Robinson-Hercules Robinson, 1st Baron of Rosmead, 5th governor of Hong Kong serving 1854-1855
Sir John Bowring-4th governor of Hong Kong, serving 1854-1859
Sir John Davis-2nd governor of Hong Kong, serving 1844-1848
Zhoushan舟山Coastal city near Ningbo that the Western powers had their eyes on. Located right near the mouth of the Yangzi River.

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Ep. 105 | The History of Hong Kong (Part 5)


Ep. 103 | The History of Hong Kong (Part 3)