S3E10 | “Always Expect the Unexpected” | 万事俱备, 只欠东风


Saying: “All was prepared except for the East Wing”
Pinyin: Wànshì Jùbèi Zhǐ Qiàn Dōngfēng
Chinese: 万事俱备, 只欠东风


In this Season 3 finale, Laszlo closes with one of the classics from the Three Kingdoms era. Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang star in this drama played against the backdrop of the Battle of Red Cliff. Who hasn’t fallen victim to something big or small that resulted when your best-laid plans didn’t quite work out as you expected.

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Terms in Episode

Bèiprepare, get ready
Chéngyǔ成语Chinese idiom or proverb
Chìbì赤壁Red Cliff
Chìbì zhī zhàn赤壁之战Battle of Red Cliffs, fought during the winter of 208-209
Cáo Cāo曹操Lived 155-220, first king of Cao Wei, famous statesman and military man
Cáo Wèi曹魏The northernmost of the Three Kingdoms and the most powerful. Founded in 220 by Cao Cao's son Cao Pi. Lasted until 265
Dōngfēng东风The east wind
Huáng Gài黄盖One of Sun Quan's generals and a major figure in Wu history
Hàn Emperor Xiàn汉献帝The final Han emperor, first a puppet of Dong Zhuo and later forced by Cao Pi to abdicate.
John Woo吴宇森Wú Yǔsēn - Great film director best known for Red Cliff, A Better Tomorrow, The Killer and Hard Boiled
all, completely, entirely
Jùbèi俱备all ready
Liú Bèi刘备Lived 161-223, founder of the Han kingdom of Shǔ
Liú Bāng刘邦Founder of the Han Dynasty and reigned from 202 to 195 BCE
Luó Guànzhōng罗贯中Author of the classic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Lived 1330-1400
QiànLack, missing
ShìMatter, affair, thing to do, business
Shǔ Hàn蜀汉The kingdom of Shu Han, one of the Three Kingdoms. Made up of parts of Sichuan, Yunnan and southern Shaanxi
Sūn Quán孙权Reigned as king of the state of Wu from 222-252
Sūn Wú孙吴Another name for the Kingdom of Wu, led by Sun Quan
Wuhan武汉The three cities of Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang combined
WànTen Thousand
Wànshì万事all things, everything
Wànshì Jùbèi万事俱备Everything was all ready
Wànshì Jùbèi Zhǐ Qiàn Dōngfēng万事俱备只欠东风All was prepared except for the East Wing
Wán Bì Guī Zhào完璧归赵To return the complete jade to Zhao, featured in Season 3 Episode 1
Yángzǐ River扬子江The longest river in China, also called the Chang Jiang
Zhōu Yú周瑜Lived 175-210, famous general for the Wu Kingdom (a.k.a. Sun Wu)
Zhūgé Liàng诸葛亮Shu Kingdom statesman, strategist and all around metaphor for clever guy. Lived 181-234
Zhǐ qiàn只欠Only missing
Zhǐ Qiàn Dōngfēng只欠东风Only lacked the East Wing

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