S3E09 | I Gotta Get to the Gym | 髀肉复生


Saying: “Thigh flesh has grown back”
Pinyin: Bìroù Fùshēng
Chinese: 髀肉复生


Another classic from the Eastern Han that features the future King of Shu, the great Liu Bei of Three Kingdoms period renown. In this episode we find Liu Bei catching a breather after suffering a defeat in the service of Yuan Shao at the hands of Cao Cao’s forces. During his period of laying low, Liu Bei starts to regret the situation he finds himself in.

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Terms in Episode

Battle at Bówàng博望之战Fought between the forces of Cao Cao and Liu Bei. Liu Bei emerged victorious in 202 CE
thigh or your thigh bone
Bìroù Fùshēng髀肉复生Thigh flesh has grown back
Bìròu髀肉the flesh on the thigh
Cáo Cāo曹操155-220 CE, Warlord and Eastern Han chancellor to the emperor. Founded the Northern Kingdom of Wei
Eastern Hàn Dynasty东汉Also known as the Later Han. Ran from 25 to 220 CE
duplicate, reply
Fùshēngto come back to life
Guāndù zhī zhàn官渡之战Decisive battle fought between the forces of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. September to November 200 CE
Jīng Province荆州One of the provinces of ancient China
Kam Jie金姐The loyal employee at Teacup Media who keeps all the teacups full and who brings 奶茶 at 3PM from the place next door (and the occasional 西米露)
Liu Family六家族The ruling family of the Han Dynasty going back to founder Liu Bang.
Liú Biǎo刘表142-208, Governor of Jingzhou during Han Emperor Xian
Liú Bèi刘备161-223 CE, After a slow start, he later founded the Kingdom of Shu Han
Luòyáng洛阳City in Henan. Site of a few dynasties in distress
Ròumeat, muscle or flesh
Shǔ Hàn蜀汉One of the Three Kingdoms. Located in and around Sichuan
Xīnyě新野City just south of Nanyang in Henan Province
Xǔchāng.许昌City in Henan province
Yuán Shào袁绍Eastern Han Warlord. Died in 202 CE

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S3E08 | Create Your Destiny | 乘风破浪