S3E07 | There’s Always a Way | 有志竟成


Saying: “The person who has the will”
Pinyin: Yǒu zhìzhě Shì jìng chéng
Chinese: 有志者事竟成


This week’s Chinese Saying comes from a story direct from the Eastern Han Dynasty.  It features the heroic Liu Xiu, better known as the Guangwu Emperor who gave us this useful idiom when he praised the star of our episode. 

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Terms in Episode

Chéngto accomplish or succeed
Chéngyǔ成语A Chinese Saying or idiom
Former Hàn Dynasty前汉The first half of the Han Dynasty. It ran from 206 BCE to 9 CE
Gěng Yǎn耿弇The hero of this episode
Hàn Guāngwǔ汉光武Liu Xiu's Temple name for which he is better known
Hán Xìn韩信Great Western Han general who died in 196 BCE, one of the Three Heroes of the Han Dynasty
Hòu Hàn Shū后汉书The book of the Later Han
Jìngto finish or complete something
Jìng chéng竟成to finish and accomplish
Later Hàn后汉The second half of the Han Dynasty. This one ran 25 to 220 CE
Liú Xiù刘秀Restored the Han Dynasty in 25 CE and reigned until 57 CE.
Luòyáng洛阳Located in Henan Province, site of a few dynasties
Línzī临淄Ancient name for Zibo
Qí State齐国Ancient Zhou era state in Shandong
Shìmatters or affairs, things to do, business
Shāndōng Province山东省Coastal province in China that was made up of the states of Qi and Lu
Wáng Mǎng王莽High ranking Han official who usurped the throne, ruling from 9-23 CE
Yǒuto have
Yǒu zhì有志to have the will or determination
Yǒu zhìzhě有志者the person who has the will
zhìwill or determination
Zhāng Bù张步Warlord during this era who was giving the Guangwu Emperor some heat
Zhāngjiākǒu张家口City located just southwest of Beijing
Zībó淄博The capital of ancient Qi, called Linzi back then

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S3E06 | Seeing is Believing | 百闻不如一见