S3E06 | Seeing is Believing | 百闻不如一见


Saying: “To hear a hundred times is not the same as seeing once”
Pinyin: Bǎi Wén Bùrú Yī Jiàn
Chinese: 百闻不如一见


When the Han Emperor Xuan had a headache out in west China he called on Old Reliable, General Zhao Chongguo, to deal with it. From this, we get one of the most useful Chinese Sayings ever!

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Terms in Episode

Bùrú不如not as good as or inferior to
Bǎia hundred
Bǎi Wén百闻to hear a hundred times
Bǎi Wén Bùrú Yī Jiàn百闻不如一见To hear a hundred times is not the same as seeing once
Chéngyǔ成语Chinese Saying or idiom
Hàn Xuān Dì汉宣帝Han emperor who reigned 74 to 49 BCE
Jiànto see
Qián Hàn Shū前汉书The Book of Han
Qiāng羌族Qiāng are one of the 56 official ethnic minority people of China
Wénto hear
Wò Xīn Cháng Dǎn卧薪尝胆Featured in a previous episode, to lie on firewood and taste bile
the number one
Yījiàn一见see one time
Zhào Chōngguó赵充国A reliable old trusted general of Emperor Xuan's

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S3E07 | There’s Always a Way | 有志竟成


S3E05 | He Sure Had a Lot of Gall | 卧薪尝胆