S3E04 | A Man of Great Ambition | 鸿鹄之志


Saying: “The ambitions of a swan”
Pinyin: Hóng Hú Zhī Zhì
Chinese: 鸿鹄之志


We’re in the dying days of the Qin Dynasty with this week’s Chinese Saying as we meet Chen Sheng, a.k.a. Chen She, whose origins couldn’t have been more humble. The Dazexiang Uprising marked a turning point in the fortunes of the Qin empire.

Hear his story and how he aspired to be to become the Hong hu Zhi Zhi concealed away in his heart.

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Terms in Episode

Ānhuì安徽Province in central China, west of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, East of Hunan and Henan
Chén Shèng陈胜A man of great ambition, leader of the ill-fated Dazexiang Uprising
Chén Shèng Shì Jiā陈胜世家The chapter in the Shi Ji that introduces the story of our main character
Chéngyǔ成语A Chinese saying or idiom
Chǔ-Hàn Contention楚汉之争206 BCE The winner-take-all showdown between the forces of Xiang Yu of Chu and Liu Bang of Han
Dàzéxiāng Uprising大泽乡起义The first major uprising against the Qin Dynasty 209 BCE
Hàn Dynasty汉朝Dynasty that followed the fall of the Qin, 206 BCE - 220 CE
Hénán河南Ancient province where China began
Hóng鸿a swan or goose
Hóng Hú Zhī Zhì鸿鹄之志The ambitions of a swan
Hónghú鸿鹄the word for swan
also means a swan
Liú Bāng刘邦The founder of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Han Gaozu
Mìyún County密云区Located in the northwest corner of the Beijing Municipality
Pò Fǔ Chén Zhōu破釜沉舟From S3E03, Xiàng Yǔ’s bold order to smash the pots and burn the boats and take the fight to the Qin army or bust
Qín Dynasty秦朝The short lived dynasty that changed China forever 221-206 BCE
Qín Shǐhuáng秦始皇The first emperor of China (a.k.a. Ying Zheng)
Shǐ Jì史记The Record of the Grand Historian
Sùzhōu宿州City in Anhui Province (Not the Sūzhōu 苏州 of Jiangsu)
Sīmǎ Qiān司马迁Lived sometime around 145-86 BCE. Along with his father Sima Tan, he compiled the Record of the Grand Historian
Wú Guǎng吴广Chen Sheng's partner in launching the uprising
Yànquè ān zhī hónghu zhī zhì zāi?燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉?How can a mere finch understand the great ambitions of a swan?
Yíng family赢家族The ruling family of Qin
Zhìwill or aspirations…ambitions
Zhāng Hán章邯The Qin general who was tasked with beating back all the uprisings against his emperor. Died 205 BCE
Zhīa possessive particle that sort of acts as the Chinese version of our English apostrophe

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S3E05 | He Sure Had a Lot of Gall | 卧薪尝胆


S3E03 | Go for Broke | 破釜沉舟