S3E03 | Go for Broke | 破釜沉舟


Saying: “Break the pots and sink the boats”
Pinyin: Pò Fǔ Chén Zhōu
Chinese: 破釜沉舟


For this week’s offering, we hear the well-known legend of Xiang Yu, Zhang Han, and Liu Bang.  As the Qin Dynasty starts to crumble Xiang Yu heads to the defense of Zhao State to face off against the ever-victorious Qin general Zhang Han and ultimately the kingship of Guanzhong.  Before he engaged Zhang Han in battle, Xiang Yu shouted a four-syllable order to his troops.  

And we look at these famous words in this episode.

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Terms in Episode

Battle of Dìngtáo定陶之战Battle in 208 BCE that saw Xiang Liang face off unsuccessfully against Zhang Han
Chénto sink
Chén zhōu沉舟sink a boat
Chǔ楚国Powerful state in central China centered around Hubei
a kind of pot that was commonly used in ancient China to make your rice and cook food
Guānzhōng关中The Qin homeland and part of the heartland of China
Hándān邯郸Capital of Zhao
Húběi湖北Central Chinese province
Jùlù zhī zhàn巨鹿之战Battle of Jùlù 207 BCE (present day Hebei), Qin suffered a defeat at the hands of Chu
Liú Bāng刘邦Xiang Yu's rival, the founder of the Han Dynasty (a.k.a. Han Gaozu)
to break something
Pò Fǔ破釜to break your cooking pot
Pò Fǔ Chén Zhōu破釜沉舟Break the pots and sink the boats
Qi齐国One of the two main states that comprise present day Shandong
Qín秦朝The Qin Dynasty 221 - 206 BCE
Qín Shǐhuáng秦始皇The First Emperor of China
Qín Èrshǐ秦二世Son of Qin Shihuang and the second emperor
Shǐ Jì史记Records of the Grand Historian
Sòng Yì宋义Procrastinating general of Chu. He moved too slow for Xiang Yu
Sānménxiá三门峡Ancient Yellow River city west of Luoyang in Henan
Sīmǎ Qiān司马迁Han Dynasty historian (c. 135-186 BCE), father of Chinese historiography, co-writer of the Record of the Grand Historian
Sīmǎ Tán司马谈Father of Sima Qian and co-writer of the Record of the Grand Historian
Tai'an泰安City just south of Jinan
Xiàng Liáng项梁Uncle of Xiang Yu who perished at Dingtao
Xiàng Yǔ项羽Military great from Chu State who lived 232-202 BCE
Xiàng Yǔ Běn Jì项羽本纪The chapter from the Record of the Grand Historian that contains this chengyu
Xiányáng咸阳Capital of the Qin Dynasty, present day Xian
Xīān西安Capital of Shaanxi province
Yìmǎ义马City south of Hándān in Hebei
Zhào Gāo赵高Scheming advisor to all Qin emperors
Zhào state赵国One of the Seven warring States
Zhāng Hán章邯Qin military great who fell to Xiang Yu at Julu
Zhōua boat
Zhōu Dynasty周朝The dynasty that preceded the Qin

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